Prologue - Haunting past

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The cold winter night with the lucid moon shone brightly above the sky. The snowflakes are falling apart from shining the white puffed clouds in the dark sky. The cold monsoon is comforting the skin's surface and freezing the blood inside. Bones and muscles in the body were shuddering due to the effect of the icy snow against the skin.

The blurred vision of the lake is the only thing visible to her. The shivering due to the climate raised her heart beating with the throbbing sound intimidating her. Her eyes were filled with emotions and tears as she looked completely broken. Her feet are bleeding externally and her heart is internal.

A woman in her early twenties sat on a bench near the lake holding the file presumed to be one of the medical reports. She continued her silence staring at the vast lake with her tearing eyes as she didn't wish to wipe. The cool breeze was brushing her neck causing her wavy funks to fly as the wind is ruffling through her hair. The aqua fragrance has permed the surroundings relaxing the nerves. The natural warmth of the breeze was fanning her face revealing her facial beauty.

The guilty expression on her face revealed her condition. She wiped her tears completely monitoring all her courage and slowly stepped into the water. Her partially bleeding feet comforted her wounds when she placed her bare foot inside the water. She closed her eyes gulping her grief moved forward with difficulty and sprinkled some lake water into her face. She washed her face making herself conscious and cleaned her wounds. Suddenly she heard a phone ring and turned back and realized that it was her phone. She quickly wiped her face with her floral printed scarf which she drew around her neck and went near the bench and took the phone. The caller ID shows Riddhima.

"Shaanvi, where are you? I'm calling you for a long time. What happened?" Riddhima asked as soon as she answered the call.

"Yes Riddhi, I'm near the lake". She replied sadly.

"What are you doing there? Anyways cut it. Is your work completed that you went for? So what happened?" Riddhima continuously questioned her.

"Yes, I'll tell you once I reach home". With that, she disconnected the call. She collected her things and exited the place. She sat on her scooter and started driving. Furthermore, she tried hard to concentrate on driving but failed. Tears started rolling down making her vision blur, but she managed to drive and reach safely.
After 15 minutes of driving, she stopped her vehicle near a bungalow and parked it. She rang the calling bell after a few seconds the door opened. She stepped inside with a heavy heart and sat on the couch without uttering a single word.

"Talk to me," Riddhima said tapping her shoulder. Shaanvi became conscious.

"What? What happened?" she asked with astonishment.

"Seriously, you are asking me? Relax, no need to worry. Just calm down and have some water" she said handing the glass of water. Shaanvi quickly gulped the water in a single shot. Riddhi was startled at her act.

"Now tell me what happened? Did you get the reports? Where are they? She asked searching for reports. Shaanvi tried to speak but before that...

"What happened to your feet? It's bleeding" she gasped and held her foot to examine it.

"Oh god, it's still bleeding. How can you be so careless? Can't you be somewhat conscious about your health? I still assume that you are a grown-up, but you always prove me wrong. Is this the way you care for yourself? Just tell me one thing are you aware of this wound? Do you remember how your feet were injured? If yes, then tell me why didn't you treat your wound. If your answer is no then, tell me what were you doing at that time. Are your senses not working?" she almost shouted at her due to her carelessness.

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