Chapter Two

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When Chan cleared his throat, making Felix snap back to reality, the younger realised he had been staring at Changbin for too long - the older boy utterly oblivious to the blonde, too focused on his food and too deep in his thoughts. Felix turned towards Chan who raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything, taking pity on his blushing cousin.

"What lesson do you have after lunch?" He asked with a smile, talking slowly to make sure the boy followed. 

"I don't know. I think... physics?" Felix replied, looking at Hyunjin who nodded in approbation.

Hyunjin quickly jumped into the conversation, seeming very eager to talk to the eldest of the boys, while Minho and Jisung started talking, Seungmin commenting every now and then. Felix tried to focus on the conversation, trying to understand what they were saying, but his eyes kept drifting back to Changbin who remained quiet, eyes on his plate. Felix was curious : since the older boys had arrived, Changbin hadn't said a word to anyone, nor had he spared a glance to the younger ones. Felix wanted to talk to him, but he was intimidated, his heart racing as soon as he thought he had enough courage to speak, causing him to cowar away ; he didn't think he knew enough Korean to start a conversation anyway.

Lunch was almost over when Changbin suddenly got up and turned to Chan and Minho who looked up at him.

"I'll go now. See you in class." He quietly said, his face showing no emotion whatsoever, before taking his tray and walking away. Felix watched him go, surprise evident on his face, the boy growing even more curious. Seungmin noticed and smiled, gently poking Felix with his chopsticks to get his attention, which he immediately did. 

"Don't worry, he's always like that," Seungmin said slowly, almost forgetting that the Aussie didn't speak Korean well enough. "He doesn't talk much, he's a very quiet and secretive person." Felix turned to Chan, frowning and pressing his lips together. The older nodded and translated. Once his cousin was done, Felix opened his mouth in a quiet 'oh' as he nodded and looked back at his plate, thoughts and questions swirling in his mind.

When they went back to class and lessons started again, Felix found himself struggling to understand and stay focused, the main reason being that he was tired and didn't have enough energy. However, the biggest reason was the fact that his mind kept drifting back to Changbin. Something about him made Felix want to talk to him, and sit next to him and hold his hand. That last thought was enough to make him snap back to reality and mentally slap himself. The boy shook his head and took a deep breath as he straightened up on his chair. He didn't know the guy, what was wrong with him having thoughts like that about him?

"Psst, Felix!" The young boy slightly jumped and looked to the side only to see Hyunjin smiling at him. "Do you wanna hang out after school?" the blonde asked.

Before Felix could reply, Jisung discreetly turned to the two boys and translated Hyunjin's request to Felix whose eyes widened in surprised as he realised Jisung could speak English. The squirrel like boy seemed to understand the silent question and smirked, a look of complete and utter pride painting his features. "I lived in Malaysia, so I know English," he said smugly. Felix chuckled, his shoulders relaxing in reassurance.

"Yeah, I'd like that," he finally answered Hyunjin who happily smiled and stopped himself from clapping his hands together.

"Mr. Han Jisung!!" The professor suddenly yelled. Jisung froze and slowly turned around not before sending a wink in Felix's direction, the boy quickly covering his mouth to cover his smile, internally laughing at Jisung's antics. "I will not repeat myself : either listen to the lesson, or get out of my classroom."

"I'm sorry, sir," Jisung said, flashing his teacher his most charming smile. The man scoffed and his frown deepened before he turned his attention back to his lesson and other students.

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