You can't be serious?

Start from the beginning

When I turned around I saw that little bastard that made me apologize to that little girl. I just started to smile cockily. "Hello (L/n). Long time no see huh? I see you have studied for History of Magic. I am quite impressed that you know about stuff that is for year seven students. Did you just came by to boast with your history knowledge or do you want something else?"

"Flower I have not come to boast with my History of Magic knowledge I have come here because I have something to do with you. Could we talk in private?" "You want to talk privately? Sounds like you want round two for me and don't worry this time I won't underestimate you."

"As I said I just want to talk with you. But if you are so desperate for another beating I will gladly give it to you." He said as he calmly approached me. "Hoho you have seen how I've bullied your friend and came to save her and you only won because I was unprepared for you to be so strong and even though you know that I am prepared for you, you shithead still approach me?" "I can't beat the living shit out of you without coming closer" "Oho then come as close as you like"

Soon we were standing right in front of each other while he was looking up to me I was looking down to him. "Woah Woah Woah chill out you guys we don't want another fight alright?!" Kenneth said getting between us and pushing me back while Cassandra and Sabrina pushed (L/n) back. "If you two fight you will probably both be expelled so stop bickering already!" Cassandra shouted. "So back to the reason you came here (Y/n) (L/n)" Sabrina tried to get back to the original topic.

"Right. Professor Dumbledore sent me to ask you for help. Now come I'll give you the details on the way." "Stop right there. Tell me why he needs me anyway?" "I don't have a clue but I can gurantee you I didn't want you to be part of it too alright?" "Wait what do you mean "too"? Does that mean he wants us to work together?!" "Exactly you dumbass. Now come along."

Is he actually serious?! That Bastard! "I am going nowhere you little punk!" "Huh? Are you stupid? Dumbledore said he needs your help." "And I am saying I don't believe you." "Do you actually think I would come here by choice you idiot?! *sigh* What did I do to deserve this?" "If you don't have an evidence to back up your claim I will go nowhere"

p.o.v. change to (Y/n)

I don't belive it. Is this guy serious? ~After all he is just like you~ He isn't like me whatsoever if he was he would just help us already. Or is he maybe referring to that. *Sigh* I guess I have to trust Dumbledore in his decision. Afterall he trusts me with such an important task.

p.o.v. change to Aiden

"So what is it punk? Do you have any evidence to backup your claim? If not then get lost!" "I need to show you something for you to trust me is that right?" He asked me with his head lowered. "Well obviously not anything you idiot." "Can we do it somewhere privately without any bystanders?" "No way these are my closest friends they know everything about me anyway we have been through thick and thin and I trust them with my life. Even if you were to show it privately I would tell 'em afterwards anyway." "Okay if your friends know everything about you anyway it's unlikely they will find me weird for what I am."

"Ahem we are standing right over here" Kenneth began speaking. "We don't think you are weird (Y/n)" Sabrina added with a smile. "Yeah we know Aiden has blown this conflict between our siblings and your friend out of proportion. Even Aiden knows that much. Originally We wanted to clear this up but then Aiden exploded and has hit Luna. So yeah we are sorry about that one." Cassandra stated. "Yeah we are actually quite friendly if you get to know us" Kenneth spoke up.

"You seem actually quite nice" (L/n) blurted out with a small smile. "Oh stop it already you guys. He already said he didn't come to make friends so why bother with this sentimental route now?" "Aiden stop it already you are blowing things out of proportion again! Can't you see he really hasn't come with ill intend to us! He probably tells the truth about Dumbledore and him needing you!" Sabrina started shouting at me.

"Do you think I'm stupid or something? Of course I see that he didn't come with bad intention. But I want to see for myself how much they need my help. Why am I the one they turn to. I need to know how much my help is worth to them. Afterall I will never use my time for somehting that isn't worth it." "Aiden..." I heard Kenneth whisper slightly.

 "Sabrina and Cassandra could you please move over to Aiden?" (L/n) asked the two of them. "Yeah of course" They said synchronized and moved over two me and Kenneth.

I saw (L/n) turn around and take his robe off. "What are you doing over there (L/n)?" "Shut up and watch Flower" He retorted snarkily. 'that bastard' I thought to myself. I really didn't expect what he has done next. He took his shirt off and showed us his back. "Hey (L/n) what are you doing?! STOP STRIPPING YOURSELF IN FRONT OF... us..."

When I saw his back I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought I was dreaming but it all now made sense. I saw it with my own eyes and yet I couldn't believe it. I felt my eyes and mouth widen. "You guys see that right?! I am not dreaming right?!" I overheard Kenneth freaking out.

"If I interpreted Dumbledore's words correctly you probably know what this means am I right?" (L/n) asked me. "What do you mean? Does Dumbledore know about us?!"  "Aiden that means..." Cassandra started talking "I know. He is one of us." "So you are all in the same boat as I assumed after your speech" (L/n) shared his thoughts.

(L/n) started to dress himself. and walked towards us. "I guess you all know it is better if we keep it a secret right?" "Of course we know that. and we won't tell anyone. Promised (Y/n)" Cassandra assured him. "Thank you very much. So Aiden will you come now with me?" He asked me as he moved in the direction of the castle. "Of course I will. How could I deny help for one of us?" I retoted 

He stopped on his tracks. "One of you you say? Don't make me laugh." "What do you mean (L/n)?" "What I mean is just because someone has the same burden as you, doesn't mean they carry the same hardships and difficulties. People are always different I thought at least you as a seventeen year old knows that. Now come along you dickhead" "Shut up you bastard!" We started bickering as we made our way towards Dumbledore's office.

p.o.v. Kenneth Walker (after (Y/n) & Aiden left)

"Hey Kenneth." I heard Cassandra call out for me. "What is it?" "What do you think Professor Dumbledore wants with him?" "I don't know but I can probably think of the reason he wants Aiden to do it." "And what is it?" Cassandra asked me. "Obviously he wants Aiden and (Y/n) to do all the dirty work for whatever he is planing with them."

"Don't you think you are a bit overreacting?" Cassandra debated "What do you mean 'overreacting'? He knows about us that's why he selected them both. To do the dirty work you know." "I think you are misjudging Professor Dumbledore's humanity. If he already knew about us he could have made our live a living hell" "Yeah I guess you're right..." I replied guilty. 

"Hey sis you are awfully quiet. What do you think he needs them for?" Cassandra asked Sabrina who has been indeed awfully quiet throughout our conversation. We turned towards her and she looked really distraught with widened eyes and her right hand infront of her mouth.

"Hey Sabrina whats wrong?" I asked her after I became concerned. "Hey sis what's wrong? I promise you Professor Dumbledore hasn't done anything" "That's not it..." Sabrina started talking. "(Y/n) has it which means he has limited time aswell. He is such a nice kid too." "What do you mean limited time? He doesn't seem to have any older siblings right?" I started asking her but then Cassandra's eyes widened and she also put her right hand in front of her mouth "Don't tell me you are talking about (C/n)?!"

She was right. I didn't think about him. They behave like brothers aswell. I do feel bad for the kid too. Then Sabrina started to cry and sob. "When is this ever gonna end?" Cassandra started to hug and console her.


A/n: So first of all I am sorry that this is a rather short chapter. I would like to adress that originally the next chapter was intended to be release with this one as a single chapter but I thought it doesn't really matter. All it does is not making one real long chapter but rather two "shorter" chapters. I mean I was at 5k words with the other combined and I am not even at the main part of the next chapter so I thought I might just split it so I could release this part already. So stay tuned next chapter should be released really soon.

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