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Okay, so please be advised this is VERY rough work and by that, I mean its an idea written out by someone with little to no writing experience. Please be patient with me, I have trouble expressing situations so if you have ANY suggestions please voice it :) heck, you can tell me to rewrite an entire section. If its reasonable, than I will change it. So, I would really appreciate any kind of support you can show me, it would seriously make my day. Any way, on with the story. ive also been having difficulties putting the pic up so when i get the chance I will

(This is mostly written out on my phone so if anything looks weird, do inform me, THANKS :P)

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"before you start a war,

know what your fighting for"

I was running through the woods. All track of time and purpose lost on me. My mind was cloudy, body ready to collapse, but it seemed as though I was being controlled by something else, pushing me to run. Running through the seemingly familiar woods, until the fog cleared little by little . Its the woods I've been training in since i was little. Except, it seems different. Darker. Almost, cynical. I didn't even realize where I was heading. I was just about to head back to my duties when i heard a sound. Right when I was going to extract my claws and look around, i heard shouting, muffled at first, but it slowly started growing louder by the second. Who ever was there, they weren't worried about being heard. Which with my job, its a really, really, bad sign. Right when i was getting close, the voices stopped. complete deafening silence fell over the forest; it was as if even the river stopped flowing, for that split second, everything was still. The screams what broke the silence. So shrill and full of agony that it almost dropped me to my knees. But I knew that scream. So similar to my own. The howl taking my very breath away, while simultaneously shredding my heart into little meager pieces.

I had a duty to do. At the very least i need to see it to the end. Every breath I take is like another part of me is gone, every shuddered breath a reminder of my loss. keeping as silent as I could, I drifted closer to the source. The place where my agony will forever be imbedded, the place I loose my connection to the goddess to avenge my love, my light. So close to viewing my next target. Just another step until their demise. Another step until they meet their untimely death, befitting he die a death far worse then hell. One step until the end.

Until the scream.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 12, 2015 ⏰

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