Part 2: Fuck my Kidnapper is hot....

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Alright here we go its time to meet our object of desire, I mean human of desire, I mean our very evil totally unlikeable Mafia Boss/Kidnapper. 

As always just have fun and enjoy the ride. 


When I opened my eyes it took me several seconds to be aware of my surroundings. It was dark, empty and the only source of light was a small window across the large hall. I figured it was some kind of abandoned factory or ware house. 

I tried to stand up, but soon realized that both my hands and feet were tied with some real cheap looking thin rope. Bad for my kidnappers that they had no class, but good for me because after a few wiggles I was freed. 

I got up knocked the dust off my skirt and continued scanning my environment until a thought crossed my mind. Shouldn't I be scared or something? Afraid to die or run away as fast as my legs could carry me? Nah another thing added to my list of things I needed to talk to my therapist about. 

I was just about to start walking towards what might have been the exit, as two men jumped into my vision and tackled me to the ground. One of the guys held me down and the other searched his pockets, for what I assumed to be more of that cheap ass rope. 

I just glanced at them with my annoyed I don't have time for your shit nurse look. 

"Okay boys, I appreciate your efforts, but I really think you should revise your skill set before attempting to kidnap someone again. I for one would really appreciate if you would just let me go so I can resume watching this new Asian Drama I have discovered. I won't tell the police or whatever." 

They just looked at me like I needed therapy. I mean like Bitch tell me something I don't know. The taller of the Humpty Dumpty Duo who was still holding me down just made some weird noises, which I assumed was supposed to be some kind of intimidating growling, but as long as he didn't turn into a hot ass werewolf I wasn't very interested. 

"We are going to lead you to our Boss now, you will not try to run, or we will shoot you." 

Said the other one with an intense Russian accent still searching his pocket, if it took him just as long to find his gun, my survival chance was quite high, so I wasn't terribly worried, not that dying scared me as much as it should anyways. 

I just shrugged got up and followed Humpty ( The one who was still having his hand on my shoulder) whereas Dumpty was closely behind me and I was hoping that he wasn't still searching his pockets, because I hated it when people stepped on my heels. 

We went towards a door on the left side of the hall, which I wasn't previously able to see. Humpty opened it and I stepped into a small room, which must have been some kind of office, back when it was still used. I took a step further into the room and I saw someone laying on the desk. 

No not someone that was not an accurate description of the muscular, tattooed God in front of me. His dark blonde hair was shortly trimmed, tattoos covering his neck and arms and oh my god his wide chest. I looked further down practically sobbing over his Sixpack, but I stopped myself before my eyes went deeper. He was holding his side and there was blood running in between his fingers. 

I turned around looking at the two idiots who escorted me into the room and just shouted: "Jesus Christ, Humpty Dumpty you kidnapped a nursing STUDENT to take care of a gunshot wound?" 


Well I am going to leave Part 2 at that. I am very curious about getting to know this sexy God further, what about you guys? 

Hope you are having a great day and remember you are beautiful, smart, amazing and very much needed on this earth.

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