Extra 4: Nemesis-Kun

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Request From: @kittylover

Ayoshi laid in bed. It was late at night. He was silently reading a book when he heard a noise at his window. He got up to investigate when he saw a red glow. He stepped back as a person opened his window and climbed in. He finally got a better look at the person. The boy had dark hair with bangs covering one of his bright red eyes.

Ayoshi was so focused on him that Kenji started to feel awkward. 'Why is he looking at me like that?'

"It's you. The person who's been following me."

Kenji's eyes widened, 'He knew the whole time. I shouldn't be shocked, but I should have done better.' He narrowed his eyes as Ayoshi started to step closer, preparing the knife behind his back in case Ayoshi tried something. However, Kenji wasn't met with an attack, he was met with the soft body of his target pressing against his larger body.

Ayoshi clenched the fabric of the intruder's shirt. "It was you all along. If only I had gone to find you sooner," he said as he looked up at the other.

Kenji was deeply confused by Ayoshi's actions and his hand tightened around the handle of his knife. 'Is this a trap?'

"How long have you known about me?"

"Since the moment you started following me five months ago. All that wasted time, I'm sorry. I promise to make it up to you," Ayoshi apologized as he snuggled his head against Kenji's chest.

The red-eyed boy felt strange. He was being enveloped by Ayoshi's warmth and scent. Kenji could feel his face start to redden and his heart start to race. 'What is this feeling? Is it fear? No! I've never felt fear towards any of my targets, so what is it?' Ayoshi reached behind Kenji. He tried to move away, but Ayoshi was too fast. He had lost his knife and it was now in his target's hands. He grew tense. It wasn't his only weapon, but he didn't like the idea of Ayoshi holding something so sharp.

"Why do you have this? It's dangerous. I don't want you to get hurt," Ayoshi said as he put the knife in a drawer. He walked back towards Kenji when he seemed to realize something. "You already know my name, but I don't know yours. I'm sorry, I didn't ask."

Kenji didn't know what to do. He didn't want to tell his target his name. However, he felt like he didn't have a choice. "Ikari Kenji," he grunted.

Ayoshi grabbed Kenji's hand, making him grow more tense, "It's ok, don't be nervous. Your name is very nice. It suits you," he comforted as he caressed Kenji's hand.

'Nervous? Really? It's better than him being suspicious of me.'

Ayoshi wrapped his arms around Kenji's bicep and started dragging him towards the door.

Creases formed between Kenji's brows, "Where are you taking me?"

Ayoshi looked up at him, "I'm taking you to meet my mother."

Kenji's heart raced and he could feel himself start to form a cold sweat. He, reluctant to meet her, wasn't ready yet. Ayoshi's mother was the youngest to capture her senpai. She is definitely the strongest in her family. He had to be very cautious. He had never been in Ayoshi's house, so as they were walking around he made sure to look at everything closely. He had to memorize where everything was and how everything looked. He even needed to memorize how things smelled. However, it grew harder to concentrate as they started to step down the creaking steps.

When they finally made it to the bottom of the stairs, they walked around to the kitchen. A woman's back faced towards them and she hummed happily as she cooked.


Ryoba stopped her humming and turned around. Kenji and Ryoba made immediate eye contact. Both pairs of eyes flashed darkly at each other.

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