Resting in a Shack

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For every step we took my body felt heavier, maybe that because of the lack of sleep if for how long we have been traveling! Seriously, when we started to get a move on to, well wherever Bijarte was taking us the sun was still touching the ground with it rising. Now it is in the middle of the sky. Here is a fun fact about this island. Everything looks the same too, so how can I be sure Bijarte isn't lost. Heck how can I be sure that I can trust this guy just today I didn't know him and he just ran up and studied my axe and then studied Roco. He might just be bringing us to a trap and probably study us when we are in a cage or something.

I look over at the viking who is hoping with glee, humming a sailor song.

Ace:"Or I could be overreacting?"

Roco heard what I said and nudged my arm. Checking if I'm okay.The only thing I could do is smile at the dragon.

I gently patted his head.

Ace:"I'm fine pal."

Bijarte:"We are almost there!"

I look over to the viking. Who nows is walking backwards staring at us. He was starting to slow down, making us gain up to him.

Bijarte:"Soo how did you and your dragon meet? How did you guys become dragon and rider? Why did you become dragon and rider?"

I grunt off his question walking a bit faster to get ahead of him but he picks up the pace staying by my side.

Bijarte:"There has to be a reason right?"

I stay silent. But the viking starts to poke me with his pencil.

Bijate:" Oh come on you talk before."

This makes Roco push in between us. He growls at Bijarte making him slowly back. Bijarte signs with disappointment. He reaches for his bag grabbing the book he wrote in. He opens the book and starts to right down something. I tried to get a gilmpse of what he was writing but he quickly close the book and place it in his bag but grabs something else out of his bag in the same hand. It was a rolled up piece of paper. It seemed to be the about the same size of a letter you would get by bird. Bikarte unrolls the piece of paper.

Ace:"What's that?"

Bijarte opens his eyes with a bit of shock with a small grin on his face but his face slowly returns to normal.

Bijarte:" It's a map of the island and my way to get to my place. Which is over there."

He points at a wall of ice. The wall seems to be looming down at us waiting to crush us when it falls. But Bijarte keeps walking care in the world of the giant Ice that looks like it will fall. Bijarte turns around looking at us confused raising an eye brow

Bijarte:" You coming?"

Rico and I looked at eachother then looked back at Bijarte. I sign running my hand through my air. I look over at my dragon.

Ace:"Let's go pal."

Roco replied with a chuckle of sorts. Which I'm guessing means let's go. We cautiously follow Bijarte.

We soon arrived right at the base of the wall. I reached my hand out to touch the wall until Bijarte grabbed my hand. I reach for my axe holding the handle tightly ready to strike him.

Bijarte:" Not a great idea."

Ace:" Why is that?"

Bijarte shakes his head.

Bijarte:" Because your hand will get stuck on the ice and I don't have any hot water to release you from it cold grasp."

Bijarte lets go of my hand and walks beside the wall. I look over at Roco who is looking at me. I release my grip from my axe and follow the viking. Walking beside the wall of ice. The wall seemed to have a new feeling added to about to fall at any moment a feeling of bitter cold like I would freeze where I stood. A strong cold breeze hit my face and lifted my hair. I shiver rubbing both of my hands together. I look behind and see Roco shivering as well. I walk over to my dragon patting on his head.

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