You were sure the recent fight had been the last of his powers, but knowing that he wasn't 'The symbol of peace' anymore didn't feel quite right.

"Hello." Aizawa said, him and All Might sitting down on the couch in the living room, you and Yui-san on two chairs opposite of it, "We are Y/n's teachers. I am Aizawa Shota, and this is All Might, as you already know, of course."

"Hello" Yui-san said, a hint of uncertainness in her voice.

Aizawa's somewhat smile disappeared as soon as he got to the important stuff, "So, I'm assuming you've heard of the recent events that've happened."

Yui-san's expression also darkened, while yours remained calm, "Yes, I'm aware of the situation."

"And you're also aware of what has happened to Y/n, I suppose?" your teacher added, All Might silent next to him.

Yui-san nodded, "Mostly."

"We have come here to inform you of UA having become a boarding school; a dormitory system has been put in function."

"I see."

"You are one of the last parents we have gone to, and so far, all have accepted letting their children move into the dorms." Aizawa took out a clipboard and a pen, ready for Yui-san to sign, "So, shall I assume that Y/n is coming as well?"

"We can assure you that she will be safe. She will also spend more time with her classmates and friends," All Might spoke for the first time, "which I think will be beneficial especially since the- er- during these times."

"I see. Well, if she wants this too, I don't see why not."

Aizawa nodded, "Great." He handed the clipboard and pen to Yui-san, who signed it, "Tomorrow afternoon is when I'm going to help them move in, so Y/n, please pack only your most important belongings and I'll see you tomorrow."

You nodded, and you all got up, walking to the door. Yui-san opened it and Aizawa and All Might walked out.

"Thank you for coming." She said, smiling at them.

"Thank you for having us."


Being back at school like nothing happened was quite weird, even uncomfortable. On the first day, everyone was all over you and Bakugou, asking all sorts of questions.

Of course, you knew they were just curious and meant no harm, but it wasn't exactly pleasant to talk about it, so you let Bakugou do his grumbling, which -with the help of Midoriya, Kirishima, Iida and Momo giving some details- left the subject closed by the end of classes.

The next day, however, Aizawa came with big news, involving the new dorms, of course.

"Me and All Might have separately talked to all of your parents about the new system and everyone will come. Today after classes, we'll be moving in. Each one of you will have separate rooms." He said, earning excited chatter from every corner of the room.

Sensing there was no way he was continuing class, Aizawa took his usual spot in the corner of the room and dozed off as you all talked about the news.

You were on the fifth floor, in the room to Tsuyu's right, opposite of Todoroki. Once you got to your room, you unpacked and arranged it as close to the one at home as you could. It felt somewhat nice -being under the same roof as all your classmates.

Once you were all in the common room, Mina suggested that you do a tour of the rooms, to which everyone agreed.

All the rooms were unique; some full of stuff, while others with only a bed, a desk and a closet. Each room had a hint of the occupant's personality, which you thought was really cool.

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