- "I can stick my big toe inside my ear"...?

Kim demonstrated his hidden talent making Ondine laugh. Kim gave her the notebook and pen with his feet.

-Let's stop beating about the bush.

Ondine noted something down and threw the bracelet she put the paper in  into the pool. Kim dived in, retrieved it, and started to unfold the paper, but then his watch alarm went off.

-Ah! The movie! I totally forgot!
-But we haven't finished yet!
-I've really gotta split. I asked Chloé to come, remember? The girl I told you about in my class? Next time, I promise!

Kim left. Ondine reached out toward him, then picked up the paper and openex it, revealing a heart with Kim's name on it, and "Je t'aime" written below, with more hearts.She sat down and started crying. Suddenly an akuma entered the pool and into Ondine's bracelet.

-Syren, I am Hawk Moth. I'm giving you the power to turn Paris into your own underwater kingdom, for you and your prince. In return, you must bring me Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous.
-May they all sink under my sorrow.

Ondine transformed into Syren, and stood  up. Her tears  falling into the pool triggered the water to rise up and overflow the pool.

Meanwhile in Master Fu's shop, Marinette brought him back the fox miraculous. He put it into the miracle box and then put the box back into the gramophone.

-Perfect. Now come and tell me what's bothering you, Marinette.
-Huh? How do you...?

Master Fu laughed as he was leading Marinette into a different room of his shop. Tikki and Wayzz were always curious to see what was there but they were never allowed to. They tried following their owners into the room but Master Fu stopped them.

-Hold on. You both stay here.
  - Oh, Master please!
  - I am sorry but you know the rules, kwamis can not know the contents of the miraculous book. Imagine what would happen if one of you were captured by a villain, just like Hawk Moth's kwami, Nooroo.
  - Ooh!

Wayzz and Tikki got scared and flew away into the mattress. Marinette and Master Fu entered the room.

-So, what's on your mind, Marinette?
  - Well, I feel bad for keeping so many secrets from Cat Noir.I don't want to leave him in the dark.
  - Tell me, Marinette; do you put the noodles in the water before the water boils?
  - Mmm... no.
  - Exactly. That's because there's a right time for everything

Master Fu poured a cup of tea and gave it to Marinette.

  - Anyway, what did you want to show me in the book.

  - Well you remember how I told you the book can help us unlock new powers for your miraculous? I believe I might have finally found out how.
  - Wow, really? That is amazing!
  - Yes, indeed it is.

Master Fu showed Marinette a page from book on his tablet.

  - A long, long time ago, when Tikki, the kwami of came on Earth, some of her magic fell in five different places creating three pearls and two stones which can give the ladybug miraculous new powers. The exact location of these jewels was unknown, until now. The locations are written in the book.
  - Great, then we can go look for them!
  - It won't be that easy, the locations are written down as riddles. Furthermore the book was written a long time ago so there is no guarantee the riddles are still accurate.
  - We could at least try. What kind of riddles are there exactly?
  - Well,as an example, the riddle of the pearl of the sea is as follows:
  "To find that you seek,
   Dive deeper than the deep,
   Where water flows though the heart
   Where darkness hides away the light"

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