Start from the beginning

The hair on my body rose, making me jump from his bellowing, dark voice. Rhiannon gripping onto my arm to comfort me, the two of us watched the office.

He was directing his voice towards someone, someone that was seated on the chair across his table, as he paced back and forth, seething and in a disarray, "YOU MADE A BIG FUCKING MISTAKE GETTING IN THE WAY OF MY FUCKING LIFE"

oh my god, it's Rachel.

"This is a long time coming" Rhi whispered, almost excited to watch the events take place. "Must he scream like that?"

"you don't think she deserves it?" she raised her brows, her attention on me. Okay maybe she does, i just don't like seeing Adam this way.

"Fair enough" i sighed.

"I DON'T A GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOON'S DEAL YOU FUCKING PARASITE" The veins on his temple were clearly visible, his was gritting his teeth. Files on his table thrown out of the office, it was pure raging chaos.


The skin on my hair rose, my heart slamming against my chest, yeah Rhi was right, he IS pissed. I don't know how I imagined this confrontation would take place, but this? This was beyond what I imagined.

"IF YOU DO SO MUCH AS TO BREATHE IN HER FUCKING PRESENCE" he threatened, his voice alarmingly boom within the whole floor, it was chilling. "YOU WON'T LIVE TO SEE ANOTHER DAY"

oh my god.

"Period" Rhi cackled, she sure is enjoying this. I'm surprised she's not recording this moment right now.

"NOW GET OUT OF MY FUCKING SIGHT YOU DISGUST ME" he spat, swatting at her, prompting for Rachel to stand from the seat, her hair in a neat bun and a black pantsuit, she looked just as angry. How is she not embarrassed?

"You're making a big mistake"

Oooo girl, wrong move.


The seething expression on his face didn't falter, in fact i think it got worse. His jaws were clenched, shooting daggers at her.

"Don't test me Rachel - Get the FUCK OUT"

Well we now know she's never gonna get in his pants, that's for sure.

Scowling, she shot away to walk out of the office. Her feet stomping as she walked towards us.

I felt my body turn to stone, breath knocked out of me as i locked eyes with Adam. His expression shifted to a helpless one. His eyes yearning. There it was, the Adam i know. Seeing a sense of familiarity within him was relieving, he's not all gone.

He stared in to me, his grip on the door tighten.

Thoughts rushed inside my head at once, there's so much i wanna say, but nothing escaped my lips. It's as if i was frozen.

Bringing back his emotionless, monotonous state, he slammed the door shut. Further creating a barrier between us.

My heart sank within my chest as I watched the door shut, all sense of my being shatter.

"you owe her an apology" Shot Rhiannon, her head tilted as she watched Rachel in front of the elevator, impatiently waiting to exit the building.

"Rhi don't-"

she put her hand up to indicate she wasn't done, "Excuse me?" scrunching her face, Rachel turned around to face the two of us, arms crossed over her chest.

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