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Luka's Pov:

As soon as I walked into my room I call Y/n to see if she is okay.

she answers on the first ring. "Hello?" she says.

"Hey, Y/n I just wanted to know if you were okay. I know you're not supposed to touch anyone or anything. So I wanted to make sure you were feeling alright."

"Aww, Luka that's so sweet."

"So are you okay?" I ask laying on my bed.

I hear a noise from the other side of the phone. It sounds like she is getting into bed too.

"Luka I am perfectly fine."

"Okay good."

"Y/n it's time to go to sleep." I hear someone say.

"I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay, goodnight Y/n."

"Goodnight Luka," she says then hangs up the phone.

I put my phone on the charger then lay down to go to sleep.

(Time skip) (Next day)

I wake up and get ready for school since this is my last year of high school so I need to be on point with all of my work. Today my counselor and I were talking about what college I was going to. I wanted to go to an out of state for the longest time, but now that I met Y/n I really don't want to be away from her. Even though Y/n and I are not dating and we've kissed, It's obvious we have feelings for each other. So I tell him I want to go to the Unriersy of Paris. It's a great school and I've seen the campus before so I kind of know my way around.

After my talk with my counselor, I went back to class and finished with the rest of my classes.

After School, me and the gang plus Adrien are getting on the bus to go see Y/n. "Hey, Luka?"

"Yeah Marinette?"

"Why did your friend Scarlett invite me to a party on Friday?" Marinette asks showing me her phone.

I look at her phone and it's a text from Scarlett on Instagram that says: 

"Hey *name*, you are invited to my stoplight party this Friday. Only wear Red if you're in a relationship Yellow if your crushing on someone, or green if you're single and ready to mingle. Hope I see you Friday night!!! 😊💕🥳"

"You got invited too?" Alya says leaning out the seats from behind us showing us the same text. "Yup"

"Nino got one too."

"Hey that's not fair I didn't get an invite," Adrien says from a cross of us. Then his phone goes off. "Wait never mind I got an invite too."

"I don't know why she invited you guys but I don't think you guys should go the parties they throw might be too much for you guys."

"Luka we're not babies anymore. I think we can handle a 12th-grade party." Alya says. "Um, I don't think my Father wou-"

"Shut up Adrien you're going rather your daddy likes it or not," Alya says cutting Adrien off. My respect for Alya was high but now it's even Higher.

"Alright then."

(Time skip)

We get to the hospital and make our way to Y/n's room. "NO Y/N IT'S NOT THAT FUCKING HARD. SWING, SNAP, ROCK." We hear Saige yelling at Y/n from the other side of the door. I open the door and see Saige trying to teach Y/n the renegade. "Um, should we come back another time?" Adrien asks as we all walk into the room. "Thank goodness you guys are here, I can't take dancing anymore I need a break!" Y/n says then sits down at the bay window. "It's not my fault your not a fast learner when it comes to dancing. I'll go get you some water." Saige says handing Y/n her phone and walking out of the room.

"So how's life with a phone?" Alya asks washing her hands then grabbing a mask. "It's great I don't understand how I went 18 years without one." She says typing something on her phone. "Same dude," Nino says then I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket I take it out and it's a text from Y/n.

Y/n: Had lots of fun yesterday

Y/n: Come over tonight?" 

I look up at her and even though she is talking to the others her eyes were looking back and fother to me and the others. I look back down at my phone and at her back. 

Luka: Yeah maybe if my mom goes to bed early. 

Y/n: Aww that's cute but okay. 

"Okay, Y/n I have a few questions," Adrien says. "Okay ask away." 

"What do you eat as a person who has SCID?"

"Well I'm vegan (Sorry if ur not vegan) So I mostly eat pasta, fruits, zucchini which is a funny/ funny word for Pasta I guess. Well, I'll eat anything really if it's vegan." 

"Oh cool. You know my dad is forcing me to vegan. He says it's for my health but I think he just wants me to have a better body." says a bit weirdly. 

"Adrien are you okay?" I ask him concerning tone. "No anyways next question. How old are you and what grade are you in?"

"Really Adrien?" Alya says. "What I wanted to know and you guys never asked."

"It's okay. I'm 18 years old and I'm in my 12th year."

"Oh cool, Luka is in the 12 grade too," Marinette says and Y/n looks at me and smiles. 

Saige comes back and gives Y/n a cup of water. "Thank you," Y/n says taking the cup from her. "So Luka, how was your night yesterday?" Saige asks me with a small smirk and everyone looks at me. "Um... good," I say and smile at her. "How about you Y/n?" Saige says now smirking at her. "Um good I guess," she says with a confused face.

"That's funny you both said "good" if I was one of you guys last night I would have said great, amazing, perfect, but you guys said "good". " 

"Okay, what is going on?" Alya asks.

"Do you guys want to tell them or should I?" Saige says smirking looking back forth at Y/n and me. 

"Tell us what?" Adrien asks.

"Um Saige, can I talk to you alone outside?" Y/n says. "Sure," Saige smirks and they walk out of the room.

A few minutes later they come back and Y/n has flushed face and Saige still has a smirk on her face Y/n goes back to her seat and starts typing something on her phone. 

"Okay, so we're not going to talking about what just happened. " Nino says. "Oh, my it was nothing I was just joking," Sige says, and my phone goes off. I take it out and again it's texts from Y/n. 

Y/n: She knows!

Y/n: About the kiss!

"Oh shit." 

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