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Y/n's pov:

There was a knock at my door letting me know Luka was here. "Come in," I say and he walks in. "Hey, Y/n," Luka says going to get a mask out of the box next to the sink. "Hey, Luka," I say. "So what's up with you and this bay window, every time I see you, your always looking out of it not giving me attention. " Luka says sitting down on my bed now and since right now I am sitting at the bay window I giggle and turn around to look at him.

"It makes me feel closer to the outside world." 

"That's good. I wish I could take you on my motorcycle and show you Paris. This city is really beautiful." he says.

  "Wait you have a motorcycle?"

"Yes I do" 

"That's so cool"

"I think you can see it from here." Luka says then gets up and walks to the bay window."

"Yeah, it's right there." Luka points I look at where he was pointing to and it was a black motorcycle. "Wow. Is it safe?" 


"I kidding but as long as you wear a helmet and know how to ride it then it's safe," he says 

"Oh okay. Next time when you come bring your helmet because I want to wear it." 


I look back at Luka and he looks down at me. 

"You know, Y/n you look so pretty," Luka says. "Th-thank you," I say.

Luka and I are leaning in to kiss but before our lips can touch, memories of what happened two years ago come to my mind and I stop. "Wait, I can't," I whisper pulling away. "I'm sorry-"  he starts but I cut him off. "No, wait before you say anything. It's not you. You didn't do anything wrong it's just..." I say and Luka walks back to my bed and sits down.

"Two years ago... at my old hospital. There was a school doing the same program as you and it was this boy who I started to like and he liked me back. Then one day he kissed me and we got caught then he told everyone that I was throwing myself at him and that I forced him to kiss me. I got in trouble and got sent here. My mom and Saige are the only other person who knows about this." I say looking down.

"Y/n I'm not like that at all and that guy who did that to is an asshole you deserve so much better," he says and I look up at him. "Trust me Y/n if we did kiss and someone saw I would 100% take the blame because I would be lying if I said I didn't want to kiss you right now because I do." I can't believe he is saying all of this to me.

Luka's pov: I can't believe I'm saying all of this to her.

Y/n's pov:

"I-i wanna kiss you too." I can't believe I just said that.

Luka's pov: I can't believe she just said that.

Y/n's pov:

"Y/n I promise not to break your heart," Luka says then stands up. "And I promise not to break your heart," I say standing up too. (LIERS!) Luka then pulls down his mask and then he pulls down mines. He starts to lean in and just like that we kissed. It was the most amazing thing ever. I never felt like this before. It was this fire and weird tingle feeling I had down there and I kinda liked it but it scared me so I pulled away. "Are you okay?" he asked me. "Yeah, I'm... I just... I have this new feeling um... you know."  I pointed down hoping he would get it because I didn't know how to explain it. I have never felt this way before and I was kinda worried. 

"Oh, okay," he says then smiles. 

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Should I get Saige?" 

"No, it's a good thing. You're turned on by me," he smirks and I'm confused. 

"What does 'turned on' mean?"

"Seriously you don't know?" 

I shake my head no. 

"It just means that you really like me and I really like you too," he says smiling at me. 

"Oh, so you turned on by me," I say smirking at him. "Wow look at the time I have to get home bye Y/n," Luka says and I start laughing. "Bye, you dork," I say and he leaves. 

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