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Life is strange. We get up brush our teeth, shower or bath, go to school or to work, come home, eat, sleep, then wake up and do it again. If you're lucky you go to parties every weekend. But doesn't get boring doing the same things every day.

"Hello, earth to Luka" my friend Scarlet says. "What?" I say snapping out of my thoughts. "Lukie here is high as fuck." My other friend Justin says and my group of friends laughs. "Stop calling me that," I say rolling my eyes. "Here some chick named Marinette has been calling you non-stop," Scarlet says handing me my phone. "Thanks," I say then I get up and walk out of my room.


"Luka!" What were you doing I called your phone like 5 times."

"Nothing just hanging out with Scarlet, Justin, and the others."

"Luka... your not.."

"No Mari... I'm not.." I lie.

"I'm sorry I just don't like you hanging out with them."

I don't know why she cares so much about who I hang out with.

"I know. What's up?"

"Um the school is doing this thing where they take us to the hospital for 3 weeks I think and in the end, you and your group have to write an essay about life at the hospital. Then you get extra credit for all your classes."

"Okay, what does that have to do with me?"

"Well my group needs one more person and I was wondering would you like to be that person. "

"Depends. Who is in your group?"

"Me, Alya, Nino, and... Adrien"


"Please Luka I need this to pass so I can go to the 11th grade" she lies. I know she is lying because I dated her and we would always go on homework dates and I know for a fact she has straight As. But me being a simp I give in.

"Fuck. Fine, I'll do it."

"Yay! I'll sign your name with my group we leave in 30"


"I know I should have told you yesterday but I was busy."

"It's fine just let me just kick these guys out and I'll be there soon."

"Okay I'll be at school bye"


I get off the phone with Marinette and walk back into my room. "Hey guys I gotta go, so leave.' I say. "Aww, come on man." my friend Molly says. "My friends need me," I say. "Is it that Marinette nerd and her lame 10th-grade friends." Molly's boyfriend JD says. "Don't fucking talk about her like that," I say. "Okay come on guys, Luka said we have to leave so we're leaving." My friend Delilah says and everyone says bye and leaves. "Bye Luka and I hope everything was okay with Marinette," Scarlet says giving me a kiss on the cheek then left with the others.

(Time skip)

We got to the hospital and I see this girl with h/c and a Jagged Stone mask. She seems so uninterested in all this. "Here Luka. This is the person we have." Alya says handing me a paper. "Okay everyone gets into your group of 5 and when I call your group number someone in your group the person's name they have and leave off to the person's room." Ms. Bustier says I look up and the girl I was looking at was now looking at me. When she noticed I saw her looking at me she turned away blushing. Then she looked like she was feeling sick.

"Excuse me?" she says and everyone looks at her." I feel kinda d-dizzy c-can I get m-my group now s-so I c-can go back t-to mt r-room?" She says stuttering. Her stutter is really cute.

"Yeah, what's your name love?" Ms. Bustier says.

"Y/n, Y/n L/n," she says.

"Okay. Who has Y/n?" Ms bustier says. I look at the paper Alya gave me, and her name was right there. "Um, we do," I say and Y/n looks at me. "Okay well Y/n take Luka and his group to your room please." Ms. Bustier tells Y/n and Y/n walks off to her room.

Before we go in her Y/n tells us to wash our hands. She opens the door then sits at the bay window she has in her room.

"When your done washing your hands grab a mask and wear it please," Y/n says and we all put the mask on.

Marinette starts fighting with her friends about who was going to explain the assignment, and as all that is going on, I'm looking at Y/n looking out the window. (Like a Stalker) "Shut up guys I'll do it," Marinette says, and Y/n giggles. Her giggle is kinda cute.

"Hi my name is Marinette and for our class assignment we'll be spending the next 3 weeks questioning you and getting to know learn how life is living at the hospital and maybe even make a new friend." When Marinette finished Y/n doesn't say anything. She just keeps looking out the window.

"Well, that went well," Nino says then his girlfriend Alya hits him in the head. "Ouch."

"What are we going to do if she won't even talk to us. "Marinette says.

"I don't know let's just give her some time she might be shy," Adrien says I roll my eyes and walk over to her.

"Hey listen I know it must be hard for you to live in a hospital and not really knowing anyone but me and my friends are good people, you can trust us," I say putting my hand on her's. Then I slowly leaned in to her and whispered. "Expect for Adrien the blonde boy he's not my friend," I say smirking. She slowly looks down at our hands giggling then turns to face Marinette.

"Hi Marinette my name is Y/n," She says smiling.

"Hi I'm Alya this is my boyfriend, Nino"

"Hey, I'm Adr-

"Adrien Agreste. I know you. You came here last year to meet a fan of yours." Y/n says. "Oh yeah, I remember that. It's so sad to hear she passed away." Adrien says with his hand behind his neck. "Yeah, she would not shut up about you," Y/n says and we all laugh.

"I'm Luka by the way," I say. "Hi, Luka" Y/n smiles at me. Just then a girl in a white coat and pink mask walks in. "Hey kid step away from Y/n. You guys have to be 5 or 6 feet apart from her. Y/n you know the rules. What if the doctor came in she would kill you guys." The lady says I think she's Y/n's nurse. I look at her name tag and it says 'Saige.'

After Y/n explains to Saige how she was feeling, Saige checks her temperature then leaves to give Y/n some water.

"So don't you guys have any questions for me like how have I've been here? What do I eat." Y/n asks and I wonder if she's done this before. "You guys are not the first school to come to a hospital. I didn't want to do this again because of what happened last time but my nurse Saige talked me into it." She says looking down and I can't help but wonder what happened last time but I don't want to ask because it's obvious she doesn't want to talk about it. "What happened last time?" Adrien's dumb blonde self asks. Y/n takes a deep breath. "So what's your first question?" she asks.

"Oh um..how long have you stayed in this hospital?" Marinette asks.

"I stayed at a different hospital when I was 1 all the way up to 14 then I got sent here two years ago," she says looking down at the ground. Something must have happened at the other hospital.

"What's it like living in a hospital?"

"Boring. I can't do much I don't have a phone or a computer soo... I spend most of my time reading or doing school at the hospital."

"Wait. You don't have a phone?" Nin asks. "Nope"

"That's sad dude," Nino says then gets hit by his girlfriend again. Then an idea popped into my head.

After a few more questions it was time for us to go.

When we got on the bus I told Marinette my idea and she tells the others. They all like my idea and we went to the mall after the bus drops us off at that school.

(Time skip)

I'm at home looking for my guitar but I can't find it then I remember I put it down in Y/n's room when I was washing my hands. I run outside get on my motorcycle and start riding to the hospital.

I knocked on Y/n's door. "Come in," she says then I walked in.

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