Chapter 2 - Today I Saw The Whole World

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Stellas POV
Living with 3 brothers often led to sudden loud wake ups. Such as this morning, I shot out of bed at the ripe time of 7am as I hear everyone talking and laughing. I laid in bed and began to look through my phone. They were ridiculously loud today. It sounded like Luke had the boys over but I couldn't match their energy right now.
I opened up twitter and scrolled through the viral topic for a bit until switching to my homepage.
@AllTimeLow: Stoked to announce new summer tour dates! (We have some very talented boys opening for us)
It instantly made me giddy. I was hoping they'd be coming somewhere near us. We don't always get every band we hope for but ATL is usually good about having a few Aussie dates. I scrolled down to see the picture of the dates and was utterly shocked to also see a picture of Luke, Cal, Ash, and Michael at the bottom. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I was reading it right. Luke and I have always loved their music. We saw one of their shows last summer and it was genuinely the best day of my life. I made Luke stand in line with me for countless hours just so we could get barricade. Spoiler alert it worked and I caught Jack Barakat's guitar pick. I glanced over at the little black pick sitting with my snow globes. I grinned to myself remembering how we'd come home with our voices gone but be using every last breath to rave about it. Luke would bully me about crying during Therapy and Missing You but I knew he felt the same. I refocused on the post again and let my heart do a little flip.
Suddenly I had all the energy in the world. I hopped out of bed and tied my hair into pigtails to manage the mess. I hobbled down the stairs and could hear their voices getting louder and louder as I approached the kitchen.
"I KNOW" Luke shouted and had a smile plastered across his face. He turned around to face me. "Stella! I have crazy good news you're gonna flip out!"
I didn't want to kill his excitement by telling him I knew. Plus there was something about him saying it that would confirm in my pea brain that it was in fact real life.
"You're pregnant?" I exclaimed making him roll his eyes.
"No, seriously."
"Fine, what's up?"
He looked back at the other 3 and smiled. My mom was in the living-room and judging by the way she was looking at me she knew. "5 Seconds of Summer is going on tour with.." he paused "All Time Low!"
"Holy shit really thats-"
"Like as in the All Time Low we saw last summer the same band we screamed in the car with the windows down and-" he was ecstatic. Luke was the most low key one of us. He was relaxed and i was a time-bomb so seeing him like this was comical.
I had to admit I was ridiculously happy for all of them. Its a huge accomplishment and as someone who was there since the beginning I knew they deserved it. Although, deep down it hurt to see other people living out my dream.
"So you're taking me with righr?" I half joked
"WHY THE HELL NOT!" Michael said as he rummaged through our fridge.
"Well-" Lukes face dropped "I think we need to think about this a bit more before we make such big plans."
I loved Luke but he could be ridiculously over protective and he never said it but I could tell he also loved having the spotlight.
"Luke, who cares? Me and Cal are taking a few mutual buddies. Just make up something about her helping backstage and they'll buy it." Ashton shrugged.
"I-" Luke paused and cycled through all the excuses he could potentially make
"Luke Robbert." My mom finally butted in. "Your sister has been there for you. She's edited all of your youtube videos. She got you your favorite guitar for Christmas."
"I know you bought tha-"
There was one bonus to being the only girl. I often got what I wanted.

Best Years // Alex GaskarthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora