Aurora looked at her closet "umfffff what am I going to wear?...ok maybe some nice black skinny jeans..... ooooo this red top is cute." Aurora pulls out a red one-piece swimsuit style long sleeve with a deep v neck.... "perfect!'' Aurora pulled the shirt over her head. She pulled her thong on and buttoned her one-piece top between her legs then wiggled into her jeans. She had to shimmy her hips and kick her legs outward and drop to a squat squeezing her booty into her jeans "woooo there we go." She said out of breath... "ok...... shoes ..... Where are my cute laced high heeled boots?...... where....... are they?...... there they are." Aurora sat on the floor to unlace her combat style boots to slide them on, laced them back up and stood up. She quickly rushed to the mirror to look at herself in her outfit, smoothing the jeans where they sat and tugging at her shirt to make sure it was straight.

Aurora heard her phone ring she quickly rushed over to see it was her co-worker Stacey calling her
Aurora: hey stace whats up?
Stacey: GIIIIIIRRRLL!!!! When do you come in to work????
***** kind of panicked Aurora raced through her thoughts "was there a schedule change.... i dk t remember one."*****
Aurora: I think in an hour if my schedule is the same why???..... Am I late???
Stacey: No dude.... but like they just rolled in with 4 huge boxes of ehhh ehm "experimental specimens." And they are going on the same floor we work on. We are gonna have "specimens" on our floor dude I'm so excited.
Stacey: I KNOW RIGHT!!!! Get your ass in here.
Aurora: ok i'm on my way.... wait do you want coffee ima stop at Starbucks on the way in since ima be way early.
Stacey: omg yes i need a triple shot caramel macchiato asap
Aurora: haha yes mam

Aurora hung up the phone and rushed grabbing her purse and keys while quietly muttering to herself  "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG.... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek aliens for real no way do i finally get to be cool and be like....yea i can't talk about what i do it's top secret!!!!ahhhhhhh i'm totally stoked...... who am I... haha my name is Aurora I work in a biochemical research lab but i can't tell you anything other than that..... ahhhh im so excited." Aurora rushed out the door locking it quickly before sprinting to her car. Luckily for Aurora, work was only a 15 minute drive  and Starbucks was in her direct path. She pulled through the drive through and ordered Stacey's drink which also happened to be Aurora's favorite as well.

When Aurora finally got to work she grabbed the drinks and rushed in the buildings, keys, and purse in hand she quickly set everything down on the conveyor belt that ran through the security line. Aurora quickly pulled her id badge to show the security guards as she went through the metal detectors..... Once she was free she grabbed her things and sprinted to the elevators selecting the 15th floor once inside. She impatiently stood there as the elevator beeped passed each floor before finally hitting the 15th floor. She exited the elevator and walked down the hallway directly in front of her where she was met by 3 huge glass sliding  doors. Aurora placed her left hand on the panel next to the first door to scan her handprint so the doors would open. Aurora walked into the main front room area with people buzzing around..... Stacey made eye contact with Aurora, Stacey's eyes lit up with excitement as she started sprinting in her direction "OH MY GOD AURORA!!! you're finally here!"

Aurora handed Stacey her coffee "so stace what's everyone staring at over there?"
Stacey elbowed led Aurora in the side " thats where the "specimens" are being kept..... we can't see them but the first section of glass allows you into a small space where you have to shut and lock yourself in before you open up a small door about 2 feet wide and 2 feet tall. That's how scientists administer tests.... The "experiments" just cooperate....... we can't see them through that darkly tinted glass that keeps them from being visible..... the scientists said it was for the best, whatever that means."
Aurora tilted her head as she observed all the commotion by the glass "yeah stace whatever that means..... Are you sure they "agreed" to being tested? I mean this seems like a lot of extra steps to make sure we don't see what's going on for "consented experiments."..... I mean do we even know what they are like, are they similar to us in being advanced or are they like some space version of a dog?"
Stacey just giggled "I have no idea I just know that our atmosphere is harmful to them until they have totally adapted to the change..... That's what one of the astronauts on the mission said earlier when he was here."
Stacey stared back at Aurora, " yes woman that's why I was like dude you gotta get down her but he left literally 10 minutes before you showed up.... maybe he will be back though."
Aurora rolled her eyes at stacey. "Umm that seems like a pretty big detail to leave out, woman!!! I hope that starbucks is worth it because ima hold that against you for a while.

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