🐤 I Don't Hate You - Sua

Start from the beginning

Her and her parents would fight all the time over anything and everything. We had that in common and I think that's what brought us closer. We spent time with each other to escape our home lives. That's also why she insisted on working all summer. She couldn't stand being home for longer than she had to.

But, once I realized that she was avoiding me, it was already too late. Something made her decide that I couldn't be in her life anymore. At first, I was devastated. Sua was one of the only true friends I had my whole life. She was the one I went to for everything. So not having her there was like missing a part of my world.

But then I met Olivia.

Honestly it felt like there was an instant attraction. It was like she knew me better than anyone else, even though we had just met. It took me a long time to click with Sua because we were basically polar opposites. Sure we went through the same issues, but with Olivia, we didn't need to have similar life experiences to understand each other. We just did. It was almost too good to be true.

Of course, I ended up asking her on a date and it went well from there. That is, until Sua decided to nudge her way back into my life. Except this time she managed to make it a living Hell. There wasn't a single day that passed when she wasn't attacking Olivia. At first, I was hurt. She had decided to completely rip me out of her life, yet, once I finally found my happiness again, she came back just to ruin it?

I had to think that I did something to hurt her. But when she refused to answer my questions and insisted on how bad of a person Olivia was without even knowing her, I gave up on believing that I was the cause of it. I thought she was a good, loving person, but it turns out she's just cold hearted and destructive. There was no use in trying to fix things with her if she continued to break them. So that's what I decided.

A month later...

Everything in my life seemed to finally be getting back in order. Senior year was beginning to wrap up. I got accepted into my dream college with a basketball scholarship. My parents were actually excited for me, which was a first. And Olivia and I were still together. I was finally happy again. Or at least I was trying to be.

I couldn't help but feel like something was off.

Maybe it was in my nature to not accept this strange fantasy of a happy life, but I just couldn't shake the feeling that everything was about to fall right from underneath my feet. In my gut, I knew that the ground I stood on was fragile: built on lies and my own false perceptions of reality. But tonight, the veil will be lifted and the truth will finally be revealed.

The only problem is, I never saw it coming...

"Alright girls, go out there and win this thing!" My coach yelled from the sideline and herded us back onto the court. I had been so preoccupied with my own thoughts, I didn't even hear the last minute pep talk we just received. The basketball game was almost over, all we had to do was keep the other team from scoring. It was possibly one of the most important games of my high school career. Yet I was too busy wondering where Olivia was when my eyes searched the cheer team and I couldn't spot that familiar head of brown hair.

Why was she not here? Where could she be?

The coach blew his whistle and the game continued. I shook my head, trying to focus back in. The other team had the ball and we were on defense. I wasn't doing much to help, still dazed from my previous thoughts. Luckily the other team wasn't able to score and my team took the ball back to sink one last basket.

The buzzer went off, signaling the end of the game. Everyone began celebrating our win, jumping on top of each other and screaming. I should've been excited, but the girl I wanted to celebrate with wasn't even in the room to see my accomplishment. The cheers faded to the back as I ran towards the exit of the stadium, pushing my way through the crowd.

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