As per usual the school is in chaos. People talking and shouting. Some kid runs past me in a shirt with some video game on it making screeching noises.

It's funny how someone can have friends and be surrounded by people and still feel desperately alone. Like some part of the puzzle needs to be fixed in place.

My friends don't stop by my locker and I'm glad. I feel guilty for feeling relief that I don't have to talk to them.

My last class of the day is math. It's actually something I struggle with. Surprisingly I'm good at physics though.

My competition is a blue haired girl named Tildy or Matilda. I see her hanging out with the dirtbags all the time and she does not really seem to fit.

She is definitely smart. She always has the answers to the problems right away. She never raises her hand which bothers me.

I focus on the lesson trying to understand the concept of imaginary numbers. How can it be a number if it is imaginary? My mind swirls with the possibility of all the world being imaginary.

Finally class is over and I can head to my work. I weave my way through my classmates. Dashing out of the doors and onto the pavement, I run to the cafe for my shift.

Checking my phone I see that it is three p.m. I am right on time. I yank my apron on and begin wiping tables down.

Everyone appears satisfied as I slyly put my book under the desk to read.

I had just finished a chapter of The Odyssey by Homer when someone clears their throat.

My eyes snap up to a righteous looking college student.

"Can I help you?" I ask blandly

He looks taken aback for some reason and orders a cup of chamomile tea.

I nod my head and ring it up on my register "that'll be $3.49"

He hands me his card which I take.

He clears his throat again. I meet his eyes and wait.

"I noticed you were reading The Odyssey"

I try not to look startled that I had accidentally put my book on the counter.

"some people say that it is a book about true romance. I watched a lecture by Dr. James Hoffman on it"
Somehow his voice always sounds like he's trying to deliver a speech to a class.

I look at the book thoughtfully, gathering my thoughts "I think it's more of a philosophical book and claiming that it is purely for romantic purposes is not doing it justice and a waste of good literature"

He looks surprised as per usual.

———————————_lol time jump_———————

Even though he is pompous, Blake, as I learned his name is, seems to be intelligent. More so than me. As much as that pains me to admit it. He comes in almost every day and we talk philosophy or whatever I am working on in school.

I would even venture to muse that we are acquaintances.

Matilda started working here a couple of days ago. Tildy does not fit her personality, she is far too intelligent and almost wise to be Tildy. Unless she is an old lady then it fits.

I am currently on my break while Matilda fills in for me. I write down the equations I need to do my problems for physics.

The shop bell rings and in walks Blake. Matilda's eyes pop. As she stares him down.

He takes an unwelcome seat across from me.

He pulls out his laptop and starts playing chess. If only I had the time.

"We are reading Gulliver's Travels in honors" he states he leans back in his chair almost expectantly.

I pause in my rapid pencil scratching "too bad I'm working on physics and therefore not disposed to discuss philosophy"

He counters, placing his hands on the table like he's laying out a plan "one could argue that it would broaden your mind and bring it to a higher level to discuss both philosophy and do physics"

Matilda pauses in her listening to help out a customer. I pause till she is finished.

I put my pencil down, I can see Matilda from the corner of my eye eager to hear my retort
"yet studies have shown that multitasking has proven to make ones performance at both appointed activities worse"

"Touché, but now I have your attention"

I frown "now you do not".

We spend the rest of in silence.

As soon as he's gone Matilda speaks up "he's hot"

I continue with closing down the store not even pausing "it's subjective"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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