"I don't think she wants to yet so I'll let her take sometime" I say

"Okay but watch her I know how that is son your mother denied both times she was pregnant" dad says

"That's because Finn appeared before we were even married because you couldn't wait" mom yells

And Hero start covering his ears like a child

"I'll take the blame for Finn but Hero being here is definitely all on you I tried warning you and no you wouldn't listen" dad says

"Okay!!! Guys we know how we got into the world definitely don't need to relive it see y'all at dinner" I say

I hang up and start taking care of business until I have to wake up Elise
I keep working throughout the day and don't even notice the time pass by I look over and see it's 7pm so I get up and go upstairs and see Elise getting out of the shower

" Bébé you're so lucky we don't have time because that towel would definitely be off" I say

"Baby you are too much now hop in the shower" she says laughing

When i finish showering I walk out and Elise is dressed and I drop my towel and go get some boxers and look at Elise licking her lips

"Bébé don't start something We can't finish I beg" I say

"Huh I'm sorry that's a big distraction very tempting love" she whispers

I hurry up and get dressed because we will never leave if I don't get us out of here I put on sweats and à black shirt and grab her hand and we head out

I drive the 1 minute and park at the parents house and we get out and walk in and they are all sitting down at the dinner table

"Hello kids hows the new house" dad ask

"Its very good, privacy which the best part" I say

I laugh and nod my head because I know exactly what he means

"Soo I would like to tell you especially you Finn my mother is coming tomorrow" dad announces

"As in grandma no!!!  Why she was sick when it was the wedding" I say

"Yes but she's much better and she says how rude we didn't think to invite get once she got better to meet her granddaughter" dad says

"Why would you allow her to come" I ask

"Son you know I can't allow your grandma to do anything  she called told me she arriving tomorrow and hung up in my face" dad explains

"I thought it was very funny and fitting if you ask me" mom says

"We all know all she's gonna do is say how I don't deserve to be this and that she's a pain I'm sorry no offense" I say

"She's my mother Finn so Imagine how I'm feeling I can't even live in the same country as her" dad says shaking his head

"Grandma not that bad she's very blunt and entertaining" Hero says

"She has no bounds does whatever she pleases walks in whenever.... No rules" dad says

"Omg Finn bro remember when we went over the summer and you were...." hero starts

"HERO shut up... Don't even fucking think about saying it" I yell

Hero starts laughing

"Well I'm just informing you all she will be here tomorrow do I know how she will get here no, nor what house she will be waiting at, I know nothing other then she's showing up" dad says

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