Chapter 2: The Wicked Claw of Mountain Glenn

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As they both (Y/N) and the mysteries Ebony Odogaron waiting for who would take the first strike. It was answered when the Ebony Odogaron took a swipe at (Y/N) with him taking a side step to the right dodging the attack.

(Y/N) then does an overhead strike aiming for the tail only for him to get headbutted in the stomach pushing him 10ft away hitting an old house. 

(Y/N): *groaning* "Ya bastard." *Holds his head from the pain* "I'll return the favor for that you know." 

As tries to bring himself back to his feet he proceeds to see the Odogaron run towards him and he decides to backhand it and launched the creature into a nearby building. (Y/N) starts to walk towards the building hoping he had knocked out or killed the Ebony Odogaron. As the dust clears the Ebony Odogaron appears out of the dust and wacks (Y/N) into a street light breaking it. 

(Y/N): "You're starting to fucking annoy me you know that." 

(Y/N) out of now where was going to get cut down as the Odogaron was about to bring down its claws when (Y/N) grads its claw and uppercuts it sending it backward. Before it could get up (Y/N) kicks the monster in the stomach into an unfinished house and was end it with his Greatsword but again the monster was quicker and moved out of the way and starts to run.

(Y/N): "Get your ass back here." 

And he starts to run towards the direction of the Ebony Odogaron before he knows as he turns the corner but as he does the Monster was now to be seen confusing him. What he didn't know was the Odogaron actually was able to get behind him and bit down on his shirt and launched him into the 2nd floor of a 2 story house causing the area to get dusty once again. 

As the Ebony Odogaron walks towards the house with its claws out ready to finish him but saw the house collapse. Before the Ebony Odogaron could move any further a huge mass just appear out of the dust and showed itself fully appearing in front of the creature causing it to panic in fear of what it was looking at. 

The Ebony Odogaron out of fear runs away trying to create some distance from it and the Ruiner Nergigante but it was already late when it encountered (Y/N)

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

The Ebony Odogaron out of fear runs away trying to create some distance from it and the Ruiner Nergigante but it was already late when it encountered (Y/N). Before it knew it the Nergigante was already on top of it and drop its mass trapping the Ebony Odogaron under its claws. (Y/N) drags the Odogaron on the floors making a trail in the concrete floor leaving some skin and blood on the floor. 

To show dominance, (Y/N) roars into the Ebony Odogaron face and carries it into the air, and dives bombs into the ground, breaking the road and into an underground tunnel. While the dust steadies (Y/N) transforms back into his human form but also notices that the Ebony Odogaron also transformed into a female human.

(Y/N): Great... more work. I'm going to need a drink after this. *And with that brings out his wings and his Greatsword and beings to go to town and starts slaying Grimm left and right clearing as much as possible.*

As (Y/N) finishes up clearing the Mountain, he calls Sienna to give her the good news. 

(Y/N): "Hey Sienna you hear me?"

Sienna: "Loud and clear (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Hey so I was able to bring down that monster you told me about and wanted to tell you that I finished up cleaning the Mountain of Grimm here and you can start bringing men and supplies here already."

Sienna: "I'll start to bring them over with your pickup. Also, I want to discuss what happened to the monster when you get here got it?"

(Y/N): "Copy that."

And with that (Y/N) ties her up and takes her to the pick-up spot and waits a while for his ride to get here. After 3hrs he sees his ride and loads himself and the unnamed female into the bullhead and left to Menagerie. 

Time Skip 2hrs and 45mins later 

(Y/N): *While stretching* "God damn it's good to be back." *He walks back to his house to talk with Sienna while carrying the girl back with him so they could talk about the situation at hand.* 

Sienna: So how was it?

(Y/N): It was boring until I fought her. *He was looking at the unconscious girl on his shoulder. *

Sienna: Who is she?

(Y/N): I don't know, I was fighting her but in her Monster form and next thing you know she transformed into a human after I'd knocker her out. 

Sienna: Interesting, lets go inside I have soon to talk to you about.

Both of them sit in the living while, the Odogaron girl is lying on (Y/N) for the time being, and the little girls are just crawling around adjusting to their surroundings. 

Sienna: So, some of my associates from around Remnant have given me information about this 'monsters' coming out of now where and recking havoc f the surrounding areas and it got me thinking. If your able to beat that girl and she was able to turn into a human, do you think it will be possible to beat them and bring them and try to bring them too our cause?

(Y/N): It is possible but you're going to tell me which one you want me to go far first. That but also someone is going to need to take care of my baby girls, I can't leave them unsupervised since hell who knows what would happen if they create chaos while I'm away. 

Sienna: I'll make sure your previous little girls are taking care of, you just need to worry about bring those monsters too our side. 

(Y/N): Alright, so where I'm I going to next then?

Sienna: Your next target is going to be near Mantle, from what I'm being told is that this creature is attacking everything in sight and is starting to cause a problem for us to move supplies. 

(Y/N): Can I just you know take a break for now?

Sienna: No, but I'll make sure to give you a reward for both you and your family so you can have a nice little break with them until I need you again.

(Y/N): Alright I'll go. But I hope you live up to the deal you're giving me. 

Sienna: Don't worry I will.

(Y/N): I'll make sure to leave first thing in the morning. 

And after that (Y/N) put his kids to sleep in their own room, after that (Y/N) went to his own room to rest up for tomorrow's assignment. 

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