Chapter 1: Ancient Forest Incident

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Location: Ancient Forest

In the Ancient forest, we see a Ruiner Nergigante lying down on his stomach overviewing 6 little dragons. One looks like a mix of him with an ice carapace, another looking with bright colored tendrils appearing around her head, another with withered down wings and a vale covering half of her upper head, two twins with horns with electricity conducting off them, and finally a newborn with a blue mane around her neck.

After seeing them walk around him, he decides to call them to come towards him and places his wings on the ground to allow them to get on his back. After they all got on safely on his back he continues to walk towards a small pond and starts to hear whispers. He decides to follow the whispers which lead him to a large tunnel in the side of a rock wall. He decides first not to investigate the tunnel fearing it will harm his children. But he later hears 5 distinctive roars in the far distance. Not wanting to stay around he decides to venture into the tunnel and starts to go deeper and deeper into the tunnel. 

(Y/N): "This better leads to somewhere." *While running he starts to see light from the end of the tunnel. While running he doesn't notice that his body starts to form into a more human form.*

After running into the tunnel he decides to run with the girls on his back to get away from the tunnel just in case his pursuers are close behind him. 

Back at the Ancient Forest in front of the tunnel stood 5 figures looking at the tunnel.

????4:  "I smell his trail" *points at the tunnel entrance* "Should we go in or wait for the others to get here to get them?"

????1: "We'll call on the others that we have found him here in the tunnel. For now, someone goes get the rest of the group here while I and three others will guard the entrance just in case he decides to come out." 

????2: "I'll go report this to the others." 

????3: "I'll stay here then." 

????5: "This is starting to get on my nerves since this is the 4th time he evades us." 

????1: "Patience, everything will happen in due time we just got to wait and he'll slip up and we'll be there to kill him and take the girls."

Time skip 1 hour later.

(Y/N) starts to get tired and decides to land in an open forested area but he starts to notice that he isn't very scaly anymore. He puts his hands on his face and starts to feel his cheeks a bit more squishy. 

(Y/N): "I'm human?" * He then looks around and sees red pairs of eyes looking at him. They start to come out of the brush and you see 4 wolf-like creatures with 1 larger wolf with more bones poking out of its body. He pulls out his Ruinous Atrocity and does a massive swing towards them killing 4 in the process. He then sees the larger wolf coming at him with a charge but side steps and goes for an overhead strike and cuts it in half.*

Time Skip 30mins later

After walking in a random direction for 30mins you found a base. With that, you stop and start to look around until some of the people in the base start to run towards you.

(Y/N): "Hello there." *waves at them*

They at first look at (Y/N) with slight suspicions but then start to surround him and start to lead him to what he thinks is the main building of the base.

(Y/N): "So what's going here."

W.F.M 1: "Silence our High Leader has been alerted about your presence and wishes to speak with you."

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