{15: Surprise proposal}

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After Franklin's walk, Marinette took Franklin inside, she unhooked him and he panted and went up to Marinette's leg, she rubbed his head and he licked her face too, and she chuckled.

Tom: Hey honey.

Marinette: Hey

Sabine: We're just heading to the Grand Hotel and get the stuff ready. Think you'll be okay by yourself?

Marinette: Yeah. I'll be okay.

Tom: Okay. If you feel like going to the dance, you can call one of your friends and they'll take you.

Marinette: Okay. 'Like that'll ever happen.' Where's Mei?

Sabine: We dropped her off to Nadja. She'll watch her for a little while.

Marinette: Okay. I'm gonna go upstairs to my room.

Sabine: Okay. *Marinette went upstairs to her room and she looked at Alya's dress and she decided to finish it up for her and hand it to her when she and the others come over and get ready. At the Palace Des Vosges, everyone came and got everything ready, Alya handed the girls white and blue roses. *

Nathaniel: Think she'll say yes?

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Nathaniel: Think she'll say yes?

Mylene: Hope so. They're so cute together.

Rose: They are, huh?

Alya: Okay, everything's all set up?

Max: Just about. *Luka put his guitar around his shoulder and he nodded once yes. *

Alya:  I'll get her. *She goes to her house. * 'You'll change your mind about going out tonight.'

Inside, Marinette fed Franklin a dog treat.

Inside, Marinette fed Franklin a dog treat

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Marinette: Good boy. *She pats his head. Tikki goes up to Marinette. *

Tikki: It's a shame you're not going to the Winter Ball tonight.

Marinette: Eh, there'll be other dances. For now, I don't feel like going anywhere tonight, no matter who begs me to go out. *Soon, the door knocked. * What now? Hide. *Tikki hides in her purse and she goes to the door, it is Alya. * Hey.

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