Resolving problems

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Hey guys
Third p.o.v

It was quite but a nice peaceful quite.

Saiki: I would have been fine if this fucker wasn't here.

Occasionally he sent a glare towards Kusuke.

Zeoticus: Saiki

Saiki: Yes

Zeoticus: Did your parents like the renovations.

Saiki: They did

Zeoticus: I wanted to give your parents a palace with 50 maids.

Kusuke: I heard nothing of this. My parents must be loving it.

Zeoticus: Too bad my daughter stopped me.

Rias: Father we can't force them to our life style. Also Saiki being around so many girls is bad.

Saiki: Uh why I will just order them to leave me alone unless it's urgent.

Zeoticus: I told you.

Rias: But we can't forget they will try to steal him from me.

Xenovia: If you think logically nothing will happen even if they try to steal him from you.

Zeoticus: Knew it, anyways Saiki I would be perfectly fine if you called me father from now on.

Saiki: I think I'm fine.

Zeoticus: We can go for sweets at the finest Cafe in my territory and you can get whatever.

Saiki: Yes father

Everyone was trying too hold back laughter.

Rias: S-Saiki
*Time skip too the night ya*

Saiki: This bed it's uh big too say the least.

Asia: Saiki

Saiki: Yes

Asia: Can me a Xenovia sleep with you.

Saiki: Remember Saiki they are both ex-nuns so they will do nothing. Sure

Asia: Thank you.

Xenovia: The luxury is too much for us. We used to life a church life.

Saiki: Yes I understand now let's sleep.
*Time skip too the next day outside*

Azazel: Today we will train you guys. You will all do certain things.

From the sky Tannin came.

Issei: AHHH YOU!

Azazel: For 20 days we will be training. I'll tell you all what your doing after I tell Saiki what he is doing.

Saiki: What am I doing

Azazel: You will train with your limiters off.

Saiki: Are you an idiot. I can destroy this whole area on accident if I'm not careful.

Azazel: Damn well you can so we created a large area of land that has a barrier around it.

Saiki: Will that still contain the power?

Azazel: We had Akane and Chitoge use all their power to make it.

Saiki: That will probably only keep up for a minute.

Azazel: Even if you do no one will be near you for thousands of miles. Also a big stash of coffee jelly is there.

Saiki: Alright I will head there.
*Time skip 20 days*

The Normal Human (High School Dxd x The Disastrous life of Saiki K)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat