The Sword Project?

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Hey guys
Thrid p.o.v

Saiki was waking up from what felt like a kinda long sleep.

Saiki: What happened.

Sirzechs: Saiki

He looked to his side and saw Sirzechs naked by his side while he was naked as well.

Saiki: What happened.

Sirzechs: You've been asleep for so long. She said while quietly sobbing.

Saiki: What the hell.

Sirzechs: Well you and I were walking to the living room but you were attacked.

Saiki thought back and remembered everything.

Saiki: I remember everything.

Sirzechs: You do, well thats okay. If it wasn't for your powers you would have been dead.

Saiki: Powers? I had them off at the time.

Sirzechs: Intresting

Saiki: What?

Sirzechs: You know how there was blue fire before you passed out.

Saiki: Yes, it was pretty hot for fire.

Sirzechs: Well if you had your powers off that means you were just a normal right.

Saiki: Yes?

Sirzechs: Well any normal human world have died. That fire is very strong and can kill a couple devils. Also they can do that just by themselves but together it way stronger.

Saiki: That explains everything but why am I naked.

Sirzechs: Well I was healing you.

Saiki: Healing? How is this healing.

Sirzechs: Its skin to skin contact, also you can enjoy the view.

Sirzechs lifted her chest a bit so Saiki can get a better view but he just looked away.

Saiki: Okay I'm going home now.

Sirzechs: Fine, bye Saiki.

Saiki: Bye.

He then teleported to his house only to be met by his mother.

Saiki's mom: Where have you been.

Saiki: Uhh, I went out on a trip with my friend.

Saiki's mom: Thats nice.

Saiki: Okay: I'm going to my room.

Saiki's mom: I'll call you out when dinner is ready.

(Time skip 1 week after the fight)

Saiki was walking down the halls looking for something. He wasn't sure but he felt like he needed it.

While walking he saw something weird. Two girls in black clothes were fighting Kiba and Issei.

Saiki started to walk over. He was slowly getting there but then the girl shoved her sword in the dirt.

Saiki: What is she doing.

He was still walking the girls but then the dirt disappeared.

Saiki: The hell

????: I have the sword of destruction.

Saiki was sitting there but surprisingly no one noticed him.

He would have not intervened but he saw Issei about use his "special attack" on the other girl.

Saiki teleported inbetween the girl and Issei.

The Normal Human (High School Dxd x The Disastrous life of Saiki K)Where stories live. Discover now