"You idiot! Don't you know how to knock?!" I snapped.

    "I guess not. Mom called your name like, four times. She sent me to get you. Dinner's ready." Kent stomped off my room.

    I left my work messed up and cluttered. I walked to the dining room. They were all already seated and eating. I took my seat and put some of Mom's homemade luncheon meat on my plate. I started eating. The room was silent; no one bothered to talk.

    "What were you doing?" Mom asked me.


    "Then why didn't you hear me shouting your name?"

    "I was listening to music."

    Mom let out a sigh. "Next time, leave one off." She said, sounding annoyed.

    That was the only talking at dinner. I had to wash the plates while they slacked off. Why doesn't she make Kent do it? He never does anything around the house. I stomped back up the stairs and to my room. I had done my homework that were needed  to be done. I took a shower, got dressed and went to bed while watching "That 70's Show" on my TV.


6:00 AM @ Home

    I hit the snooze on my alarm clock; harder than needed, nor intended. I lazily got up and got dressed with my regular clothes. I brushed my teeth and hair, also washing my face. I looked at myself in the mirror after getting dressed. I went back to my closet and started picking out better clothes, thinking the ones I was wearing was old and not attractive. I had clustered my closet when I picked the top wo outfits I thoguth would look good on me. I held each outfit in front of me, switching back and forth, trying to decide what to wear. One outfit - let's call it the glamour style - so, the glamour style was a pair of dark washed skinny jeans, a shiny dark violet top, heels, and bangles. The "cute" outfit, let's say, was a blue fly away cotton floral dress, a heart locket, a few thin silver bracelets and wedges. It might be weird to wear a dress in late November but today, it was oddly warm.

    "Come in!" I shouted when a there was a knock on my door, not turning my head away from the mirror at all.

    "Ven, breakfast's ready - What are you doing?" It was Kent. Ugh, please don't ruin my morning now.

    "Which do you think is better?" I turned to his direction and held both of the outfits out.

    "I like the dress. Now, come downstairs. Let's eat."

    "What are we having?" I set down the glamour styled outfit on my bed and took the blue floral dress off its hanger.

    "Fried eggs and bacon. Come on! Get downstairs."

    "Wait, let me get chenged quickly then I'll go downstairs."

    "Why are you dressing up anyways?"

    "What do you mean "dressing up"?"

    "Usually, you just put on a t-shirt and jeans then you're done. Now, you're dressing up all..nice. What's up?"

    "Nothing's up," I lied. Really there was something up. "I just feel like it."

    "Okay," I could tell that he was still suspicious. "Hurry up then, get dressed." Kent left the room and I quickly changed.

    I went down to the dining area where Kent was already eating and started eating myself. My mom gave me a compliment on how pretty I looked. Of course for Mom, she just had to bring up a bunch of questions.

    "So, who are you trying to impress?" Mom asked. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kent pause with his mouth wide open and holding up a spoonful of food.

    "I'm not trying to impress anybody Mom." I held the spoon up in front of my mouth and ate the spoonful of rice and eggs.

    "Oh really?"

    "Yes, really Mom." I drank the whole cup of milk and wiped of my milk moustache.

    "I don't believe you." Ugh! Why is my mom so suspicious?!

    "Mom, if you don't believe me, that's not my problem."

    "Alrighty then. You kids better hurry up or you'll miss your bus."

    Kent hurriedly ate the remaining food on his plate. We grabbed all our things, including my light blue sweater, and headed out, waiting at the bus stop. The bus came along not long after we got there. We got on and arrived at the bus stop nearest to the school in minutes. That's when Kent and I separate. He would walk ahead and meet up with his football friends at the parking lot, while I walk straight ahead to my locker.

    I placed all the textbooks that weren't currently needed in my locker and grabbed the ones that I did need. I checked my appearance with the mirror I had placed in my locker door. My caramel brown hair was still how it was this morning when I left the house, down and wavy. I slung my backpack's strap over my left shoulder and closed my locker. I turned to my right and saw Xander leaning on the lockers beside me. How long had he been there? He was wearing a ligth blue pull over hoodie, faded blue jeans and his usual Nike shoes.

    "Hey." He greeted me along with his perfect brilliant smile.

    "Hi." I greeted back.

    He stood up straight and took a step forward, closing the small space between us. I could smell his cologne. It smelled fresh and minty, my favourite scent. He leaned in closer and closer to my face; so close that I could feel his breath on my skin. Our faces were now only a centimeter apart. I watched his lips slowly open. I remained still and closed my eyes. What's he doing?!

Author: This has got to be the longest chapter I ever wrote!! I hope you loved it!! At least liked!! What do you think Xander's going to do!?!?!? OhMyGosh!! Please Vote, Comment, Like, Fan, Whatever just make me feel better!!

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