Chapter 04

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    A week later

    Lunch @ Northern Light High School

    "See you around," I said to Cherise before she left our homeroom.

    Cherise was nice and everything but we just weren't getting along like friends. She kept to herself and didn't really talk to anyone unless she had to ask them a question or answer a question. Other than that, she's almost dead silent. This is just great. My only attempt to make friends is an epic fail.

     I gathered all my things and stuffed them in my backpack. I slung one of the straps over my shoulder and left my homeroom. I hoped to bump into Xander, however, I never did. I made my way to the cafeteria and got in line. I pulled my backpack out in front of me and opened it, searching for my wallet. I had crammed my whole head in my backpack but there was no luck. My wallet wasn't there; I left it at home. Hungry and disappointed, I got out of line and sat at an unoccupied table for two. I set my backpack on the table and did my homework instead, making use of my time. I was writing some information about my Mesopotamian project; which was about their innovations, when someone blocked my light. I looked up from my book and there he was, Xander Anderson, holding his tray of food. He had two slices of pizza and a Coke. I stared at the food, wishing I had them. I was about to greet him hello when my stomach grumbled loudly. I wrapped my arms around my stomach and looked away from Xander. I felt myself give a small blush.

    "Could I sit here?" Xander asked. I gave him a nod and he sat opposite of me.  I looked at him as he bit his pepperoni pizza. "What are you doing?"

    "I'm working on my project." I replied, turning away from the sight of the food.

    "I could see that, but aren't you going to eat?"

    "I planned to, but, you see…I can't"

    "Why not?"

    "I don't have my wallet with me." I took back my pencil in hand and started writing, semi-ignoring Xander and his tasty tray of delicious smelling food.

    "Oh," I only looked up at him and went back to work. "Want a bite?" He held out the paper plate with the pizza. I shifted my gaze from the pizza to Xander for a while.

    "No thanks," I declined. I gently pushed the plate away from me with one hand while the other hand was randomly writing on my paper. “it was nice for you to offer, though." I pushed my black framed glasses up and got my bangs off the front of my face.

    "Take it, Venus," I stared at him from my glasses. He was waving the plate in front of me. The aroma of the pizza filled my nostrils. "you know you want some." Xander teased, continuously waving the plate.

    Hesitantly, I grabbed the plate from his hand and set it in front of me. I picked up the slice of Hawaiian pizza and paused when I placed it in front of my mouth. I glanced back at Xander, giving him a look that was asking if it was fine. He returned a small grin. I took a small bite of the pizza. I could've shoved the whole slice in my mouth but I couldn't.  I was in public , right in front of the hottest guy ever and my project. I took small bites after small bites, trying not to get sauce on my face and look like a fool. I had eaten half of the pizza slice when, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Xander staring at me with a huge smile on his face.

    "What?" I asked, placing the pizza back on the paper plate.


    "No, really, what is it? Do I have something on my face?" I grabbed a napkin and started wiping my mouth. I looked at the napkin; no sauce. I put the napkin down and pulled my backpack closer, looking for my compact mirror. As I was about to take it out, Xander grabbed my arm, gesturing for me to put it down. I did so.

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