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                                                 AUTHOR POV 

jennie was getting ready , it been a weak jennie was back to her position as perfect ,her wounds are disappearing , now she is getting ready to hol crown , today's ceremony will state that she will getting crown , 

on the other  side , other member means jisoo lisa rose jimin jungkook jin hoseok namjoon yoongi and taehyung was busy in decortating castle , no wonder people of heral kingdom was shocked knowing they have heir who will rule , but also disappointed that it is a girl , the question linger in there mind is how will girl lead the kingdom , but they have no idea of quen's power , jennie is most powerfull person in the world , no one defeat her or kill her unless she want because it was stated that she was girl heir to be born first time so she been god gifted to be mortal and  given chance to choses her death 

hall was full of choes , but all went silent when annoucher annouce 

" ATTENTION , THE NEW CROWN PRINCESS IS BEEN APPEARING IN CASTLE " he said and that's when jennie's grand entry was done , with her long golden gown on her ,by which she was looking so  ethernal , behind there was two guards ,, she spoted her sister mom dooman ajushi and seven of boys seated but they all stand up when jennie appear 

jennie went to place where rtual take place , well at first priest was dening to do because there thinking says it not inn there text then they call the same priest whom kim yoona and kim jaemn talked with who tell them about jennie beng crown prince and her last born , he was happy foor it , the rituals over and its time for jennie to seat on throne and wear a crown ,crowwn can be wear by her mom 

jennie seat on throne , yoona take crown on her hand and went toward jennie , everyone was standing, yoona finally make jennie wear the crown which was made of pure ruby's with golden colour diamonds , golden colour shows the symbol of heral kingdom , when yoona make her wear the crown ,loud clapping along with loud drum been eco around , jennie was feeling very nice , it was time for jennie's pledge for her country . everyone wen silent 

" i , kim jennie , queen of heral kingdom ,taking all managments in my hand and promise all of you to create a great emperer among the history , all the need of common person been solve in this hall , no one will be in darken in my hold , i promise that till my last breath i will keep heral kingdom save ,shining and make my fathers name proud to give me opportunity to hold power , i will show this world that girl can lead too , i will make each girl confident to fight for her right as well as all those people who seems loosng there figh , i would love to die for this kingdom , ITS MY PROMISE TO ALL KINGDOM PEOPLE THAT FROM NOW ON THEY CAN RELY ON ME , WITHOUT FEAR ...... THANK YOU " jennie completed with smile , everyone clapped and there clapped was not only clapped but it shows clear faith trust for there queen ............. here started the new kingdom and new story .... It begenn with happy ending 



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