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                                                                       TAEHYUNG POV 

 We were standing there listening sister's talking with each other , jisoo was so harsh on jennie but i was shoched because  jennie let it slide so easily .today i understand that why she just slapped krystal noona that day . but what was she was about to say . who are they 

" i am sorry prince , for what i did and for my stupid attitude , i was there to f-find someone " jennie spoke taking everyon's attention 

"  what do you mean " i asked , she was looking down but she look at me and said 

" i also was finding time to talk something very important to all of you , it something you all should know but   " jennie said 

she look so desperate , she was not wearing cold face but apologizing face , and what make me shocked again was namjoon hyungs reply to her  i don't understand why we have to know  who they are but still they are mysterious ,i do love jennie but i have to kill her too . only just thinking of it make me  sad .

                                                         AUTHOR POV 

everyone was sitting in circle to listen what jennie want to speak 

" can i start " jennie asked , namjoon noded becase he wanted to know what jennie wanted to say 

" the biggest thing we know is ,we didn't came here for learning purpose but to take everything back which are ours " jennie says making seven prince look at her in confuse 

" what do you all want " yoongi asked so jisoo decided to speak 

" we know  who you are and all about your powers too " jisoo's statement make boys eyes go wide in shocked . because no one has been born who can know there powers or could challenge them 

" we also know that you father taejong is nothing but just using you and he will throw you all or kill you all when you will became useless " jennie spoke , making them angry 

" how dare you to say this , he his our dad and you think what so ever you are speaking can be truth " jungkook said gritting his teeth 

" yes you should mind your language afterall you are some common ordanaries who dosen't know anything , we are not here to hear something bad about our dad "  jimin spoke .

no doubt they all were angry but except of one , that was namjoon ,he kept it silent because he was processing what jennie just spit , he waited to tell his brothers about it but this girl just spit it without knowing consequence because they love and respect there father the most and can give up on anthing , 

" its true " rose spoke 

" stop your bullshits or else it will be not good " taehyung spoke finally against his heart 

" wait wait " namjoon spoke avoiding any conflict" how the hell  do you all knows all  these , about our secrets and about our dad and about our backgrounds , no one dare to do it and how its possible you are suceed to find it , you all seems bad for us " namjoon speak  in very cold tone like he was about to kill someone 

" we will tell you everything but you have to help us if  you want to be alive " jisoo said 

" what the hell are you talking about huh ,  do you think we are idiots to get into your stupid maize with this stupid reason , listen i sue you ,tommorrow four of you girls are sent to exile and its order from us " jin spoke in total  stern voice standing up making everyone stand .jennie  was about to speak when door open revealing commander lee with so many guards behind him , all eleven in the room gone shocked and frozed at there places 

"  take this four girls in front of majesty " commander lee commanded 

guards come and  take girls and but what make boys confuse was girls don't even pleaded to stop it 

" prince you all should be also present in hall " commander lee said looking down on the ground 

they all went to hall where king min taejong was present who was looking so much dangerous and on the top he was super angry too ,girls were kneeling down but there heads was up , boys are standing and waiting for kings yelling and there punishment 

" what were you doing in there in same room at late night " king taejong asked to all of them ,but no one open there mouth to speak ,king gritted his teeth 

" I ASK WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING THERE "  making boys flinced but girls didn't flinch a bit because they are not scare ,  jennie was one who was scaring from in but not showing it on her face  

" N-nothing dad " hoseok said , the thing that is going in taejong's head is , his son never lie to him then why they are lieing him now 

" so you were there just seeing eachothers faces and not doing anything . there is no way you all are bounded to be together didn't it " king asked getting sarcastic making boys fear because they all are aware of there father's anger , that's when commander lee come in and bow his head 

" your majesty ,east side prison is invaded by someone , all of guards are knocked out there  " he said making eleven of them shocked while king got more angry 

" who did dare to  do it "  when king said , everyone was  already thinking what to say .

" we come too know that it was girl ,we can't see her she cover her face " commander lee . time to time the girls and boys tensions was wideing 

"  check each ordinaries and royals , do watever you want i don't care but find who  was it  , its surelly between them , if they are not spiitting then beat them , i don't care " king said being ruthless and giving permission to tortured innocents which make four girls and seven boys present there shock , jennie don't won't anyone should be in problem because of her so she decided to take her punishment for going in prison without permission 

" WAIT " jennie said because commander lee was about to go to academy section 

" i wa-

" i was the one who was in prison " someone said  before jennie could say something ,jennie along with other look at there back and was shocked to see the person who just take all the fault on itself , it was none other than krystal jung , yoongi want to go toward her and stop her from doing it because punishment of it will not be easy but he was not able to , krystal was weariing her princes gown , but also her face show coldness ,her voice state braveness ,, jennie's heart sanked , she never thought that krystal will do it to save them , but why ?

" and i was the one who call them in that room , its not there fault that they come  " krystal said , and other froze in there place , king was super angry now 

" krystal you are behind all this " king asked  in disbelief becase krystal's father is his parter, krystal  just noded without fear 

"  WHY " king yell making everyone flinch . jennie stand up and went toward krystal ,she wanted to know her supid act that why she is taking trouble on herself and wisper to her  

" don't act like this princess , why are you taking all fault on your head , stop this , " jennie said , but what krystal wisper in her ears make her way more shocked , she said 

" i am just surving your majesty princess jennie" she said , guards come and take her , jennie there froze on her place processing all  the words krystal said , she was think that 

" how did you know it krystal " she thought 


HERAL KINGDOM || Taennie حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن