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                                                                                 AUTHOR POV 

                              Heral kingdom is one of the biggest kingdom , here the  people are more , week has been pass . Today was a day of test for enrolment in academy , youth of kingdom from ordinary section was already there at centre of test , test was about to start . 

After 10 minutes official ministers arrived there for test .people also started to get in , fourgirls were also present there,jennie jisoo rose lisa ,four of them were anxious because they fear that ,what if all four are not able to in ,then .

Well jennie accept that the girls are coming with her , before coming here she had talked with doo man ajushi and he explain jennie everything .

well you might think who is this ajusshi , this ajushi jung doo -man was a same person who use to be commander of  militry of heral kingdom ,he was same person whom people thought is dead or is prisoner of  taejong , but he is with this four girls , well what's he doing with them?  why is he with them ?

the answer of this question is he is serving his majesty  , well let's be clear ,he was the same person whom king jae-min gave necklace  at battle field , he was always been hidden after he ran from king , because he was finding heir of heral kingdom . He finally found them after searching for month ,he found them in the state of hard working  people , who work so hard to get food for to eat and survive,  he saw how there team  work was . He observed there all moves for  one month to understand them . He saw how the princess of kingdom is working in street . Elder sisters work whole day dripping there sweats and younger sisters take care of house . Doo man saw that they were not even living in big house but they were living in very small house . They four were growing up without anyones hands on there head  .the princess who are mean to live in comfort of palace has taking all the problems and troubles in there life from very small age .  But they still don't know who they really are .

One day jennie was walking  on street ,  she was not feeling good , she seems like someone was observing them  , she don't know why she think that but her instinct were saying that only . she was good at expression so she never let  anyone know what's going on in her mind or heart but she is capable to tell what is going on in front persons mind by there eyes .her instict was true when she saw the person cover with black dark clothing was following them .without any time she go and punch his face . They are all good in martial arts type of things . she grab him and asked why he was following them . That's when jung doo man tell them who he was and who they was .

They all were beyond shock hearing they are hidden princess of this biggest kingdomwho now will going to save this heral kingdom from that devil taejong or more they are not beliving that man's word . Jennie and Lisa were not beliving him but then he shows same neckalce they all were wearing .they don't know who has given them this necklace the thing they thoug was they have same necklace in eachothers neck but never know the reason behind it .all four find it as same so they thought to keep it , they don't know anything about necklace they are just wearing it .   They were  more shocked now because he said they have diffrent power in them and one of them is crown princess who has mortal power like king jae-min . and that person should be the one who will be on the throne of heral kingdom . throne of heral kingdom was in just there dreams . they thought that they never even seen that throne and this man is talking to seat on it . They were totally against of what he was blabbering .they thought it was some bullshits . 

but jung doo -man didn't give up  , he  had order of his former king to trained them . after days pass jung doo man started to tell them how they can accces there power ,at first they all denied a lot but then they decide to give it a chance , after knowing they has some powers they are holding they started to belive that they are really something . 

in whole kingdom no one knows that king jae-min has heir too because when they four was born they were send out of kingdom .they don't leave them on street , they give them to orphanage where  only the chairlady of orphange knows who they are . why did they do this ? they want a prince but even fourth one was princesess itself so king jae-min decided that there will no king heir but a queen heir . he wants his princesess to know the problems of ordinary people because king or queen only work for there country there kingdom there wisdom . after jisoo turn 15 , they all were thrown out because the head owner  was died of that orphnage . from that small age they were handling themself . they do have lots of hard time but they swallowed it .know one  knows how much worst situation they all have gone through ,but they were strength for eachother ,jisoo was the one who use to take care of three of them from small age ,when they grown up jennie took alll of it and still she is handling .  They got there name already when they were send to orphanage .they think that it was given from orphanage chairlady but they don't know reality was something else. they were not only who was thrown out , but every children who lives there was out because they were closing orphanage . 

king jae-min was only king who thought this type of way to keep their heirs hidden , because they don't want anyone to harm them and also they can learn the best lesson of there life . according to  jae-min he want his daughters to be very strong  on comparison of  any prince , he want to make a history of girl holding power of kingdom ,which was first time in history . Till now there was only man heir seated on throne but he want it now to be girl .A d he don't want people to says that girls are not good . He want them to be the best . That is why he let them hidden , if he don't let them hidden people will accused his thought , enemy will underestimate them because they are girls . so he let them hidden. 

they all know now who they are . but jung doo -man work was not over here but his work started from here . now he want to know who among them were crown princesses .but's that was out of his hold to tell who is crown princess . only king jae-min and queen kim yoona knows about it .. but they both were nowhere to be seen ,

after that day he started to trained them . they were working , training .they were handling themself . Jung doo-man want to be hidden that's why he take them into deep forest for training .of what type of training it was ? it was training of how to control there powers , how to use there power , sword fighting ,martial art , archery, self defense , taiming and much more . As day passes they come to know that how much they have to do for there country to be back at place how it was earlier . after traing of almost 5years they learned everything they need . and they were fast learner as always because all of them were princess afterall . just they are not aware of it .


one by one student were going in for there test some are being selected some are not , jennie lisa jisoo rose luckily got selected this they went home happily meeting there doo-man ajusshi .. they tell him that they all are selected . after  this girls  were tired so jennie decided to cook for them even she was tired . she always keep her sister as her first priority but now her country is her priority too , she  had fixed in her mind that no matter what happened she is going to take back her kingdom from that devil person min taejong . they do have better plan but to succeed it they need seven prince help .

if only girls are suceed to tamed them , they will be on there side along with there powers . but's its not easy at it looks like .....


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