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                                                              JENNIE POV 

today was a day ,we are finally going to academy today , i wake up early today , i went out of  house to only feel cold air , it was winter season going on. While i was doing it doo-man ajushi was coming back from forest area .i furrowed ,where was he gone in this morning . when he come closure i asked him 

" where was you ajushi " 

" aah  jennie you are awake , well i was gone for walk " he replied simply , i nodded . when i was about to go , when he called  me 

" jennie , i have something to talk to you personally " he said 

we sat there on ground of grass ,we are at forest right now 

" so what you want to talk about ajushi " i asked curiously , because whenever he want to tell something he should tell everyone of us but today what he want to tell me in alone .?

" jennie i feel like i should tell you about this  " ajushi said in serious tone 

he was like father to us ,he gives us so many lesson , he still has power to fight in war . Even though he is commander of kingdom and even we are princess we never discriminate .He was older than us then we should respect him. We always hear what he says , he is  like our path . And after teaching us training us taking care of us  make me feel proud because of my father that he has choose best of best person to guide us . Even though i never get to see my father closely i see my dad in him .not me  only  but all of my sisters respect him . 

"what its is ajusshi " 

" jennie i don't know whom  of you four is crown princess and the person who know about this is you father king jae-min and your mother queen yoona only , to know who is crown prince you have to find your mother also  " ajusshi said 

i was staring at him with black face and then i asked 

" did our mom is still alive , and why are you only telling me not the others?  " i asked 

"i am telling you because i feel like to tell you .you are strong among them ,you can handle situations ,its not easy to find your mother jennie and i feel this work is good when it done by someone idividual . so that is why ..... and your mother is alive ." ajushi said 

" what do mean ajushi ,  how did  you know she is alive " i said 

" its been week i am wondering here and there at street just to see condition of palace, when one day i saw some kingdom guards were seating in eatery and talking about prisoners and all ,when one of them says that there is prisoner who was there from five years and king had some kind off affection toward her that's why he was keeping her from that much years , if only i know taejong  is person who don't really like so much girl ,but during king jae-mins period he was so much into  your mother . i don't know behind story but that's only i know ,now only queen know that who is crown princess among you all  ,even single clue can make you find your mother , what if she is really in trouble from years ." i look at him andthen sign .If my mother is alive and anything had happened to her i will surelly going to kill that bastard  

" Even if you defeat taejong , you will not going to kill seven prince " ajushi said i look at him in confuse  

" why so " jennie said 

" because they are not at fault ., they deserve to be punish but not to die " ajushi said 

" reason behind it " i asked 

HERAL KINGDOM || Taennie Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora