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~ (1208) ~

Rufus charged away from the crowd and towards the gates of the city and Y/n followed after him. He dodged other villagers and weaved his way through booths and carts finally stopping when he found Rufus on a man with a dark blue hoodie on and light blue aqua hair. A black mask covered the bottom half of his face and a golden ring sat like a crown around his head.

Y/n didn't recognize the man but smiled when Rufus pulled a vile out of his hoodie pocket and trotted over to Y/n. "Good boy Rufus! Goodboy." Y/n laughed and pet his dog while Bad took the vile from his hands to examine it. They all watched him as he took it over to a nearby grass spoke and dripped some on it.

Instantly the grass turned black and Withered away. Sam grabbed the man's arms and pinned them behind his back, "Ninja, you are under arrest for suspected murder."

"There is no suspected! He is the murderer!"

"Lock him up!"

"Kill him!"

"Execute him!"



The crowd shouted in grief and anger as Ninja's eye narrowed at Y/n. "You are going to die with the rest of them, Halfling. YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO THE WITHER KIND! DECAY WILL KILL YOU!" He shouted as Sam took him away. George looked at the man heartbroken as they took him away. Bad handed the vile to Skeppy and went over to George to hug him. "I'm sorry, he's just a muffin head. Don't let it get to you. I'm sure it was nothing personal to you. Why don't you go talk to him and ask him why he did it?" Sapnap placed a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. Y/n stood up, towering over George and Sapnap. Bad was still far taller than Y/n so he had to look up at the bean.

"I'll go with you guys but I think we should go tonight when we don't have the two gorillas hovering over our shoulders." He said pointing to Techno and Dream who were talking to Skeppy about the vile; Sapnap had to hold in a laugh as not to attract attention.

"Alright, We'll meet at the prison tonight. I'm sure he doesn't hate you, George." Bad said reassuringly with a cheerful smile. George nodded and wiped his tears, "Right!"


"No, I don't hate him......" 


George tensed up while Y/n sighed. Sam had let them in to visit Ninja before he went on trial tomorrow. "But why? What did I ever do to you?" Ninja grabbed the bars of his cell and snarled at him, "You chose them! You chose them over me!" Bad quirked his head, "Them? Who are them?" Y/n could tell he was trying very hard not to knock Ninja right on his ass while Sapnap clenched and unclenched his fists.

"What you call the Four Muffinteers! Your oh-so-happy group of friends that have all the damn confidence in the world!" Bad didn't even try to correct him as he knew he wouldn't listen anyways. "But there's nothing wrong with my friends! If anyone is in the wrong it's you, Ninja." George's voice cracked as he spoke, Y/n couldn't help but feel pity towards his old friend from the shadows where he watched the whole thing play out.

"No George. Decay is going to win this war with his Wither Skeleton army. Thousands of Wither Skeletons! I have seen it! One large Wither, you guys are doomed!" He laughed like a  maniac and slumped against the bars as if he had just heard the funniest joke in the world. 

This man had truly gone insane.

"A-A Wither?" None of them understood, They had dealt with several withers at once and survive- for the most part- what made this one so different?

Ninja suddenly stood and leaped for the bars startling poor George to fall back in Bad's arms. "Not just ANY Wither. The Wither Storm!" Y/n paled and went rigid at the mention of the name. If Decay was trying to summon a Wither storm then he would definitely need Y/n, for he held the only command block in the game. And if he were to add Y/n's ice magic to the command, the world would be doomed to hell.

He took a deep breath and calmed himself down before focusing back on the problem at hand. "What's a Wither Storm?" They all looked at each other questioningly as if they had been handed an algebra question.

 "You are on the wrong side of this war. You and your murderer friends, Gogy." Ninja spoke up again with the crazed smile still on his face.

"You're one to talk Ninja." Y/n's eyes glowed in the dark, the only thing letting them know that he was leaning against the wall in that spot. They all jump, startled by his presence after forgetting he was there completely. "If Decay is going to Summon a Wither Storm just to take out L'manberg then he must not have Thousands upon Thousands of Skeletons in his army like you claim he does." 

Ninja paled and tripped walking backward as Y/n step closer to the cage. "Aren't I right Ninja?" Y/n didn't let the cage bars stop him as he kept walking towards the boy, he teleported making it look like he fazed right through the bars. "Decay must not be feeling so confident if he's resorting to summoning one of the most dangerous mobs ever heard of. Especially if he has a human working as his spy." He whispered the last part in his ear. 

Then he disappeared in a puff of particles and reappeared outside the Jail. He groaned and hung his head deciding it was best just to wait outside for the rest of his friends. "Well, that was almost cool." He grumbled out loud, someone chuckled right next to him.

"No, that was pretty cool either way. Such a dramatic exit."

Sapnap said as he walked out the door with George and Bad following him. "Seriously though, one of the most dangerous mobs ever heard? If it's so dangerous, why haven't we heard of it? How have YOU heard of it?" They walked alongside him as he walked towards Techno's house where Dream was staying as well.

"I'll explain, but we need Dream and Techno for this. They should know what's going on since Dream technically runs this whole place now." They nodded in agreement as they reached the house on the hill.

"I'll go grab them." He said as he opened the door and entered, assuming they would be dead asleep from today's event and wouldn't get out of their beds. It took a few tries to figure out which doors they were behind but he came to the last two doors and assumed it was theirs.

He admired the wood they used to build the house in, it was soundproof would so they could definitely get away with murder in this house. He chuckled at the thought then opened the door. "Er Techno? Dream, are you in-"

Y/n's eyes widened and his face flushed a deep crimson red.

Hehe, what did Y/n see? Take a guess!


◇○▪︎Frozen blood ▪︎○◇ {Technoblade x Dream x Male Reader}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя