Chap's 16-20

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*** Chapter 16 ***

Redtail asked Lena, "So how did you come to be part of the Wilder community?"

Lena laughed. "I was just drawing in my breath to ask you the same question. I was born and raised here. Went to school in Higginsburg and did 6 years in the Army. I guess Wilder spoiled me. I love the quiet and the friendliness. I still get my share of excitement. How 'bout you?"

"Oh wow," began Redtail, "Beyond a week or so ago, it's all a blur. All I've remembered of my past is my puzzlement this morning after noticing a lack of pines and sandy soil here, and that I seem to have a little background in survival skills. My real memory begins with walking in the woods with not a care in the World. I just feel refreshed, but can't remember from what. After a few nights, I settled on a site near a creek in what I thought was a secluded area, then George caught me, welcomed me, adopted me, and I was hooked."

"It must be confusing not knowing who you are or where you're from," said Lena.

"Not really. I'm me, and I hardly ever have to get my own attention, so any name'll do 'til my birth certificate name comes back. And my only concerns in life are food, shelter, and Sunday, I get to go to church again. I'm probably more content now than I've ever been."

They both looked at the windshield and almost in unison said, "Here it comes," as the first few raindrops tapped the window.

Redtail continued, "Someone's probably wondering where I am and what I'm up to, but my worrying about it won't do any good. I figure about all I can do is wait for my memory to come back, or say, 'Hey! That's me on that milk carton." Redtail snorted a little laugh.

Lena smiled and asked, "What's the laugh for?"

Redtail said, "I pictured myself initiating the search for my past. I'd probably cause a stir or even trouble if I was to walk up to people asking, "Do you miss me?""

Lena gave a little chuckle and said, "I supposed that could be a little awkward. What do you plan to do with yourself in the rain tomorrow?"

"Oh, I dunno. After church, probably find a leaf to curl up in to hide from the rain like the other critters do. I'm pretty well stocked for a few days," said Redtail.

Lena asked, "How you getting to church?"

"George is taking me."

"Wow! You actually got him to do that?"

Redtail told her, "He offered and didn't flinch in the slightest. In fact, he gave me a new Bible yesterday."

Lena said, "Frank and I have been after him for years to come back to church. He always seemed to have something come up or lose track of what day it was. Funny: he never missed one of his survival presentations." She gave a sigh and laugh.

Redtail seemed to take quick interest at the roadside, so Lena asked, "Did you see something?"

"Actually, no. I was surprised at how quickly the buzzards finished the snack I left for them," answered Redtail. "The boys and I ate most of the rest of that woodchuck."

"Oh, that was the roadkill they were so excited about," said Lena. "Frank and I enjoyed about a month's worth of roadkilled venison, but I always tell Frank, 'fresh venison doesn't count as roadkill.'"

Redtail asked, "So, what brings you out to Perry's Bend?"

Lena said, "Most Conservation Areas allow foraging –above ground, no digging. I'm trying for some raspberries and to see if any dew berries or blackberries are close to ready."

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