And in my head I tried to piece things together to make myself stay, but unfortunately there was more reasons as to why I should leave, rather than stay. I know you probably hate me after reading this and I don't blame you, I know you will send men to look for me , but please don't drag me back into this world of chaos, I was never ready for this. I'm sorry that you most likely won't get to meet your child nor be there for the birth, but it's for the best, I would never try hurt you intentionally.

Because of you I want to believe our souls will reside in another life, I was so hopeless before you, that I forced myself to believe that nothing comes after this, I even despised the idea of living, but when you walked into my life, I can't imagine a reality where we aren't made for eachother.

No one will ever compare to you, my sweet Italian mobster Carlo.

Ps tell Noah I love him and I'm sorry

From your love.

My tears hit the sheet of paper leaving stains as I tried to control them I folded the paper and carefully sat it neatly on the bed, I ran inside the bathroom to throw my phone in the toilet but before I could it started ringing, Carlos name popping up on the screen i quickly and fakely calmed down and faked a happy tone of voice, "hello?" I asked answering the phone
"Hey babe are you okay?" Carlo asked
"Yeah I'm fine, just reading a book"
"Cool, you need anything? Want me to come back?"
"No!, I mean No I'm really Interested in this book I don't want to be distracted" I held my head biting my lip incase he recognises my nervousness through the phone.

"Uh okay I should be back in an hour if not I'll call you again ok?" Silence
"Uh-o-okay..?" It came out more of a question rather than an answer.
"Are you su-"  I ended the call before he could finish, holy shit I'm bad at acting. My phone began ringing  I threw it in the toilet and ran out of there as fast as I could into the bedroom, He definitely knows something is up now especially me abruptly ending the call.

i knew he would try to track me down that's why I threw it in the Toilet, unfortunately that won't be happening, I'm leaving Noah, Brie and Carlo behind the reason I'm leaving Noah is because I know Carlo will force him to say where I am and I just know for a fact Noah's nerves will eat him up that he would eventually spill the beans, it hurt me to the core to do this but i have to. I thought about writing Noah a letter but it would take up too much time and I have to get out of here before Carlo comes back.

My heart racing I zipped the suitcase and dragged it outside the room I took some of Carlos clothes to comfort me and I took most of our pictures. 

I took the elevador down hoping i wouldn't bump into Carlo as the elevador hit the bottom floor, he was close I could fucking feel him, I knew.

I was getting nervous every second.

i peaked my head out and the coast was clear, I sighed in relief rushing towards the door and once I got out I ran towards the gate were i had an Uber waiting.

As I sat in the Uber I held my heart with my adrenaline pumping,

Carlos POV

"Guys I've got to go Finish this meeting off without me" I said getting up from the table holding the phone to my ear. Why the hell isn't she picking up?

I sent message after message and she ignored. I got into my car and sped to my home, rushing in the doors, the place was quiet, throwing my Keys on the ground. I nodded my head. No Somethings off, I can sense it.

I ran up the staircase 3 steps at a time, busting into the bedroom she wasn't there. "Adriana?" I call out wondering if she could possibly be somewhere out of sight, I call her name out again, only to be answered by a heart wrenching silence.

"ADRIANNA!" I scream as I turn the light off and leave the room. I make my way down the hall, I turn the corner and my gut begins to sink, did someone take her?

"Boss what's wrong?" A guard nods towards my frantic state. "Have you seen her?" I ask referring to Adriana, the only female in the house.

"No I was at a training class that you signed me up for, when did you last see her?" He asked his voice deepening with worry.

"Let me go check the bedrooms and you check down here" I ran back up the staircase and entered the bedroom again.

I began to tear the bedroom apart, hoping desperately that she is Pranking me, and nothing bad actually happened to her.

I stormed towards the bed sitting down and that's when the note beside me caught my attention, I roughly grabbed it opening it.

I read the whole thing and my heart broke in a way I've never felt before, I shoved the note into my pocket my anger flaring up, how the fuck could she do this to me. In this very moment I hate myself for loving her, I hate myself for letting her into my fucking heart, I'm hurt..deeply hurt and I don't think I'll recover from this if I don't find her, I held my face in my hands and for the first time without fighting my emotions back I let my tears run freely down my face.

Oh shit, the tracking device, I opened my phone and looked at where she was my heart dropped when it said the bathroom I ran in, part of me hoping this was a joke and that she's in the bathroom , I ran in and spotted her phone inside the toilet. Sighing I leaned over the counter top and began to think.

Okay Carlo, where would she go?

I stood in the middle of the stairs in the airport as the que was full and not really moving, once I got to the top of the escalator I gave my suitcase to the man at the desk, and walked towards the seats.

I'm so sorry Carlo.

Then I heard the microphone echoing throughout the airport after 20 minutes. "Flight number 68, leaving from NewYork to Italy, passengers please begin boarding, your flight will leave in 10 minutes" her voice cut off and I quickly got up from my seat, multiple others beside me heading towards the same desk.  The reason I'm leaving to Italy is because my dads sister lives there, we rarely see her because she moved there when I as a child but once I visited my family after robs funeral, I told them everything about me needing to get away as far as possible and they decided to help, My dad contacted my aunt who was more than happy to have me join her over there.

I stood sill about 20 feet away from the desk and held my stomach closing my eyes and took a deep breath. "It's just us now baby, away from all harm"

I slowly walked towards the women at the desk , my hands shaking as I handed her my passport and plane ticket, she smiled brightly after checking it with a stamp, "good to go" I nodded "thank you"

And that was it.. I was off..

The Devils Heart  (17++)Where stories live. Discover now