Chapter 24

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"Mind if I join" he said with a smirk on his face

I literally don't even know what to say to him, why does he want to come to my room? He could at least take a girl on a date first.

"Umm why?"

"We haven't spent any time together, Isn't that what you wanted?"

Isn't that what I wanted? Shouldn't he be doing that anyway I'm here for him.

"Uh yeah, maybe let me go get changed into pyjamas and you can come up later"

"You have 10 minutes mi amor" he said with his devilish grin

I turned around walking away feeling his eyes watch my every move from behind, once I was out of the room and his sight. I immediately sped walked to my room. I opened the door throwing my bag and phone on the bed. Walking to the bathroom putting a headband on my head to keep my hair back as I started removing my makeup and applying my skincare. I removed my clothes putting them in the wash basket and put on my light pink silk pyjamas.

I removed the head band and fixed my hair putting the two front strands behind my ears. I then lay in my bed outside of the blankets waiting for him to walk in any minute.

I could hear his heavy foot steps as he walked into the room. He was changed into sweatpants with no top on making my eyes widen His muscular arms and shoulders with tattoos going up his right arm , His hair no longer slicked back it was wavy and scruffy. He look like an angel although he does bad things he is one incredibly handsome man.

"Hello mi amor" as I adjusted myself so I was sitting up on the bed he leaned down and hugged me tightly making my breath hitch. His big arms wrapped around my small body as he placed a kiss in the crook of my neck. He then let go. Making me feel disappointed I wanted to stay in his arms.

"Hi Carlo"

He sat on the bed beside me as he placed his arm around my shoulders, I leaned my head into his bare chest hearing his heart beat.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked as it went quiet.

"Whatever you wanna do"
"Are you happy to be seeing your family soon"

"Yeah I can't wait to hug them it's been so long" I sighed as i couldn't wait to hug my siblings and my parents I missed them so much.

"Why didn't you stay in California"

"It's a long story" I don't know if I can tell him my ex literally stalked my life and if he had the chance he still would, he ruined everything for me back home, Which makes me think, I have to keep a low profile when I go see my family. Anyone around my neighbourhood could see him and tell him. Although California is huge, I live in a small area where we all know eachother. I don't want my family to post any pictures or anything until I leave or he will come around and I can't deal with it.

"I have time"

"Yeah but it's very personal"

"Tell me"

I lifted my head from his chest and removed myself from his arms. As I sat facing him with my legs crossed i prepared myself to tell him. I hate talking about it, it takes me back to the past when I wanna move on but Maybe if I tell Carlo I will feel more safe going back to California.

"Uh my ex.. he"

I took a deep breath as I looked at Carlo he didn't talk over me urging me to continue, he took my hand and placed it in his rubbing his thumb in circles on my palm he waited for me to gather my thoughts and calm myself.

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