Chapter 1

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"I'm at the beach, Lourdes."

Rachel was competing with the sound of the surf. She spent almost 10 minutes on her cellphone now arguing with her landlady why she was sure it is safe to stroll at the beach at midnight.

"Yes, I'll be fine. Don't worry. I'll be home before sunrise." Her Landlady had been more than a mother to her, though she could be very strict at times.

"I have my backpack. I've got knives and a flashlight. Don't worry, Lourdes. Okay, see ya." She heaved a sigh of relief, folded her phone, and pocketed it. She scrunched up the wet sand on her toes. She believed sand exfoliates feet better than any other expensive spa. Not that she bothers to be vain. It's just that what she was doing that instant was a good way to unwind and healthy at that. The fresh air, the exercise, those kinds of stuff...

The moon hid behind some clouds. It reminded her of werewolf movies she saw as a child. She ran and laughed like a maniac. Rachel howled so loud it echoed from the nearby cliffs. She imagined fur would grow from her arms and she'd transform into a she-wolf. Then, she would run into the woods, escape from humans, school, books, teachers, everybody, everything.

Rachel passes up to standards of being weird and unpredictable in most people's eyes. She knew it but she doesn't care. She never felt free to share her thoughts with anyone.

"I know a place where no one ever goes... There's peace and quietness, beauty and repose..." She sang at the top of her lungs, walking to the dock.

She stopped singing.

"There was a boat on the dock. White, big boat. Or rather, big, white boat. Whichever is correct." she argued with herself.

"Wow! what have we here?" she approached the vessel cautiously. It wasn't a boat, after all, but a yacht. A big one. New and luxurious. She wondered who owned it and why she had never seen it before.

Rachel ran the flashlight over the yacht's body, searching for its name. She found it. Big bookplate lettering in sparkling aqua blue.

La Furia.

"The fury? Wow! Nice name. And to think the owner named this cute vessel after the most dangerous mood mankind could ever have." she thought.

Not thinking twice, Rachel went up the vessel, focusing her flashlight on different spots. Somehow, she got preoccupied with her exploration that she forgot about the time.

The vessel had a big cabin, the door made of polished teak painted white with gold accents. Should she enter? She thought not. Maybe somebody was in it. She contented herself with the exterior instead.

Rachel looked up to the flapping flag overhead. It was orange. the very bright type of orange printed with black skull and crossbones. She giggles softly. The flag was a deliberate attempt of the owner to be whimsical.

"An orange pirate flag? What could be more ridiculous?" she giggled again while exploring some more, and then she found a reclining chair made of steel and canvas. "This must be used by rich people while sunbathing.", she said to herself as she lays on it.

"Ahh...this is the life. So relaxing. Too bad there's no sun. Well, never mind, my complexion's too close to tan already..."

Since there was no one around, she might as well try this kind of luxury she never had in her whole life. She dozed off,  not realizing how tired she was.

Then there were fireworks, fairies, candy, and pineapple juice in her dreams. She felt a thick, fat slug inside her mouth. The slimy animal seemed to creep toward her throat. Oh no. She bit it hard. No slug is gonna enter her carcass.

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