Chapter 4

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" you," Kate sighed. "And you don't want some girl to take charge, is that it?"

"You got it," Edward was glad she got it, alright.

"Now what do I do?" Edward added.

"Moron! You're hopeless. Two choices, little brother. Let her take charge or build a smaller version of The Great Wall of China between you two."

"Aw, come on, Kate..." he groaned.

"I don't exactly understand everything, but that would be my advice. Now shoo. My duck would turn into pure carbon."

"Okay, thanks, Kate." He couldn't understand it all too, actually.

"And try to improve your vocabulary. I always finish your sentences. Take care now..."


"I'll go bye. Am losing signal," he fumbled at the console again.

"I love you, kid..." then the line was cut.

"Love you too," Edward mumbled as he put the microphones back it its place.

Time to start building that Great Wall of China. But contrary to his determination, he hasn't done much that day. After preparing lunch and eating with her with a word, he went directly to bed sulking.

He dozed off for a few hours without his shirt on, and coughed and sneezed all the way to dreamland. His fairy godmother woke him up.

"Edward, may I disturb you for a sec? "

"What is it?" he asked groggily, half opening his left eye. Seeing Rachel bending over to him, he sat down suddenly, always banging his head to hers.

"Sorry I had to wake you up."

"You already did," he snorted. "What the hell you want? "

Rachel chuckled. He sounded like his mouth was full of marbles. He scratched his head, mussing his hair further.

"What are you laughing at? Can't you see I'm annoyed?" he shouted.

"Oh, yes, I can see that. Sure. By the way, may I borrow clothes from you again? Something I could sleep on. I can't sleep wearing a dress, thank you."

"Is that all!?" he hollered. "I thought it was a matter of life and death." he lay on his stomach, burying his head on the pillow.

"Yeah, it is. Now where do I get it?" she asked.

David spoke without removing his face from the pillow.

"Bottom drawer..."

Rachel was turned off by his lazy attitude. This guy sleeps a lot for sure. Lucky for him she was not exactly in the mood to fight that night. Somehow, she had to find a way to teach this guy a lesson.

She opened the bottom drawer of his built-in dresser cabinet. Nothing but shirts. His shirts. What the hell happened to femininity?

She chose a white one printed with a big red question mark in front. It will have to do.

Since he slept on the upper deck of the bed, she took the lower one as hers. She was really dead-tired and in less than thirty minutes, she fell asleep.

"Why is everything so quiet?" Edward slowly came to his senses and wondered. He peeked down a little and saw Rachel sleeping peacefully without a blanket. She slept on top of the sheets, curling up into her fetal position.

He jumped noiselessly and effortlessly to the floor, feeling his stomach growl. He forgot to prepare supper.

"What did she eat?" he wondered.

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