Chapter 3

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Giovani's POV:
I sit on my office couch with my wife and sons sitting the chairs across from us. We where having a discussion about shipments for new weapons when I get a video call from an unknown number. I look at my sons and wife's puzzled faces as I sit there with my own. My sons quickly gather around Angel and I as I press accept on the computer.
(A for Angela and G for Giovani)
G- Who is this
A- that doesn't matter all that matters is I have information about your daughter
I freeze and so does my family.
Zander is the first to recover from the shock. "Impossible!" He yells " WE SEARCH HIGH AND LOW FOR MY BABY GIRL AND SHE WAS NO WHERE TO BE FOUND" Angle says as she gives this random girl a death glare.
A- if you don't believe me here's a picture of her
Sandro my oldest looks like he's about to commit a murder. "Where. The. FUCK. Is. My. Daughter." I say nice and slowly.
A- Calm your tits. She's fine. I've been looking for your family for eight years to try and give her back.
Angel- So you kidnap my sweet Princess and then try to return her. All of my boys who where quiet at first quickly spoke about how they're going to torture her until she begs for mercy for touching their princess
A- I didn't kidnap her I found her in the woods when she was three and ever since I've been trying to relocate her with her family. Look I don't have a lot of time I have to pick her up from school in a little while if you want to see her come to America. Then she hung up

We all sit in silence for about 10 minutes until Enzo speaks up. "Papa what are we gonna do it could be a trap for all we know." Even though Enzo looked all big and bad on the outside. He was a huge softie for his family. "Where going to America. All of us will bring back up just in case it is." Angel spoke with caution "Everyone go pack for America who knows how long will be there"

Three hours later
Angel's POV:
Once my family where on our private jet we headed straight for America. I could sense all of my boys nervousness even though they all had Stone cold faces. Gio looked the most nervous. "What if she doesn't remember us or more importantly what if she hates us?" Gio spoke softly. I grab his hand and rub my thumb across the back of his hand. "Don't think like that amore mio. If she doesn't remember us there just gives us even more time to make more memories with her." He gives me a small smile and pecks the side of my head. "Sleep love you'll feel better when we land." I spoke softly. He nodded and closed his eyes as did I.

Angeles POV:
Liliana's family is on their way from Italy. That was the most stressful phone call I've ever had to make. Her mother was sending murderous glares at me the entire time,her brothers were threatening me the entire time, and her father was so dangerously calm it freaked me out. Even though I kept it cool I was totally freaking out.

I'm wondering to myself how that little cutie came from such a dangerously scary family. But there's no time to ponder I need to go pick up Lili from school. Her family will be here tomorrow when she at school. I grabbed my keys to my black Range Rover and drive to Liliana's school. I parked in front of the school waiting for my bubbly girl to emerge from the front doors. 10 minutes later the school doors burst open and my angel comes running out to the car. "Hey angel how was your day." She buckled her seat belt and said " it was really fun I made a new friend and I got promoted to captain of the dance team!!" I can practically hear her jumping in the backseat. " that's amazing Liliana. I'm so proud of you! Because of your special achievements I will make you whatever you want for dinner." She smiles so widely I think her cheekbones are going to break. "Can we please have McDonald's pretty pretty pretty please" She begged. I smiled at her antics " sure baby girl anything you want at least I don't have to slave over stove for three hours" I say chuckling. I quickly turn on the radio to her favorite song and then start to drive to McDonald's.

Couple hours later:
Lili's POV:
As I get ready for bed I can't help but wish Momma was here. I snuggled into my sheets and turned off the lights. I wish I was with my family so I could cuddle with my brothers, sneak into my mama and papa's room, hear mamas special lullaby. Even though I love my auntie, I miss my family so much so I can't help but tear up and start to cry. By some miracle my auntie walks in and hugged me and close as I sobbed into her chest. "Shhhh it's okay bambola piccola. I know you miss your family it's OK." I sniff and stutter out " I want my mama and papa.I want my brothers" she just pulled me in tighter as I cried. " It's ok baby I'm working on it" she lifts my chin up so I'm looking her dead in the face. "Even if it kills me I will reunite you with your family. I promise."
I sniff and say " Pinkie promise?" And hold out my pinkie "Pinkie promise" she says as we intertwine our pinkies. I yawn as I snuggle into her chest and let the darkness take over.

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