"Hey there, kitty." she hummed, reaching once more to grab Claude's food bowl.

After filling it with some dry kibble, she placed it down for the hungry feline.

Then the kettle hissed.


Maisie sat down in her desk chair and booted up her computer, setting her tea down next to her. Being a college student meant the girl had to devote a lot of her time to her studies. She couldn't complain though; an english major wasn't the worst thing in the world.

She quickly typed in her password and waited patiently for the log in screen to finish loading. Once it had, she clicked her mouse a few times and navigated to her school's assignments page. She trailed her eyes over the bright screen, picking out words that applied to the homework.

'An analysis essay about A Midsummer Night's Dream.' she read, an unplaceable expression painted on her face.

With a sigh, she opened the Google Docs application and created a new document. She paid no mind to a title change just yet, instead diving right into the entry paragraph. She took a sip of her tea and rested her head on her hand, thinking.

She was jolted out of her focus by a loud thud from the apartment above hers.

'Celena.' she thought with a weary smirk.

Celena and Maisie were very different. Polar opposites, even. But they were best friends, and they had been for years. Celena was outgoing and loud, while Maisie was reserved and soft-spoken. They fit each other well, though.

Though they were different, they always made time for one another. They had both chosen quite different paths this far in their lives; Maisie was a student working part-time in a book shop, while Celena made money off of Twitch streaming.

Being so close in age, the two girls grew up together. They had been there for each other through thick and thin, and had stayed friends upon their entrances to adulthood. Now, here they were: living in the same San Fransisco apartment complex, just a floor apart. They liked it that way.

Maisie leaned back in her chair and spun away from her desk, reaching for her phone that lay on her bed. Her fingertips brushed over it and she grabbed, bringing it closer to her as she returned to her desk.

She typed out a quick message.

cece plz i'm literally
trying to write an
essay for school why
are you making so
much noise lmao

sorry mai :( i'm
streaming and i fell
out my chair HAHA

we need to put
a helmet on you



She chuckled softly to herself before returning her gaze to the computer screen. The bright light hurt her eyes. She let her fingers type out small sentences; she made a reminder to go back later and add more detail.


After a few hours, Maisie had finished the bulk of her essay. The clock on her wall read 1:45. Thinking for a moment, the girl concluded that she had about fifteen minutes before she had to be at work.

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