Chapter 2.

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I jumped, frantically scanning my surroundings for the source of the voice. "I-is someone there...?!" I stammered, my face drenched in cold sweat.

"DON'T MESS WITH ME! I KNOW HOW TO FIGHT!!" which was a total lie.

I might've sounded a bit ridiculous, but I was scared out of my mind, alright?!

A soft, almost ethereal chuckle filled the air.

"Fear not, dear one, for I am here to aid you. I'm sure you have questions about your current situation, correct?" A voice without a distinct gender uttered.

"W-Who the hell are you? Where are you hiding? Why can't I see you? What's going on?! AND WHY AM I EVEN HERE?!" I blurted out in my panicked state. Fuck this shit, I wanna go home.

The voice chuckled once more, then replied, "You need not know who I am, for I am both everything and nothing simultaneously-"

I deadpanned and muttered, "Is this the author?"

A muffled sound escaped when, all of a sudden:

"Aw, seriously!" it grumbled. "I was hoping for a dramatic entrance and all that jazz. But no, we had to get a smarty here! This is just messed up. And no, I'm definitely not the 'author' or anything like that since I don't control fate."

I let out a baffled sigh at the sass, "Oookay then, who the hell are you?"

It hummed thoughtfully, "No one important. You don't need to know because I won't be meddling after the forthcoming explanation. Refer to me as 'the Messenger' if you want."

'Jesus?' "Okay, hold on a sec. What do you mean by 'I won't interfere,' and why in the world are you here right now?" I asked cautiously. Please don't be some fucked up ROB, please don't be some fucked up ROB...

There was a moment of silence before it began to explain. "You see, Colith, I've been given the job of letting you know about your situation and what you're meant to do here," it replied with an unsettling sweetness.

I paled, realizing it knew about how I ended up here. "Am I... dead?"


A heavy silence hung in the air.

"EXPLAIN, DAMN IT!" I snapped in frustration.

"Jeez, calm down, no need to lose your cool," it responded with a dismissive wave – which only made me more annoyed, because who did this bitch think—"A flower pot fell on your head, killing you instantly, while you were out with your mom," it explained, its tone dripping with boredom.

I paused, momentarily forgetting my anger. "Oh, that... that sucks actually."

"Yu-uh, that was a sad and ridiculous way to die."

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