Daddy daughter bonding

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I find myself sat on my bed with Bella. This seems to have become a regular occurrence.

Tbh we don't do much, all we do is talk about the most random things. But I love that because I know I can talk to her about anything.

Angelo bursts into my room and the whole family trails behind him, "Father's on his way back from his trip to Las Vegas, tigre. We haven't told him you're here yet. Let's surprise him!"

He doesn't give me time to process all of that. How am I meant to do that.

Hey old man! I'm your daughter that your brother kidnapped 18 years ago!!

"Don't worry sweetheart, he isn't that scary" Christian chuckles.


It's been 2 hours since my father had come home and he's been in his office for the whole time in which he has come home, i'm sick of this.

Im just gonna walk in.

I have a bad feeling about this.


Just as I am about to knock on the door, he opens it.

There he stands, speechless.

"Uhm hi?" I say.

"Mia figlia" He looks at me sympathetically before pulling me into a hug.
T: My daughter

Hey man, ever heard of personal space.

"We must talk in my office right at once!" He tells me once he pulls alway from this hug.


We have been speaking for hours and hours about everything.

I analysed him carefully, I have his green eyes. He also seems to have black hair and he's really, really tall.

"I'm guessing im the only who one who didn't inherit the tall genes" I laugh with my father.

Antonio Giovanni is his name. Which means I'm a Giovanni. Arabella Giovanni.

Sounds quite nice actually.

After a bit more of talking we heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." He says.

Matteo, Adrian and Angelo walk in.

Adrian ruffles my hair.
"Dude, I have just straightened my hair." I roll my eyes at him jokingly.

"My bad" He throws his hands up in the air.

"What is it?" My father asks them.

"It's about the business, can we talk in private?" Matteo asks.

"Ah yes, we can continue talking later princess" My father says as he kisses my forehead before I leave.


I walk around the house looking for something to do, which is when I remembered that I have a phone for a reason.

I sit on one of the many sofas in the house and scroll through my contacts. Bella boo.

"Wagwan my drilla" Bella says on the otherside.

"Stop it with the roadman obsession and tell me where you are lets do something." I roll my eyes at her.

Bella has always had an obsession with "gangsters" and roadmen. Too bad we quit school and had to do intense training.

"Meet me at the indoor pool and bring one of Laila's swimming costumes. Since someone still hasn't gone out to buy clothes yet." She complains.

"Fine fine, i'm coming" I hang up.

The mafia's lost sweet heartOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz