2) Day 1.2 - the twins

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Once everyone was coupled up and Laura had left, the Islanders all properly introduced themselves to each other; exchanging hugs and awkward kisses on the cheeks. They soon splitted off to explore the huge Villa, that hopefully, they would be living in for 6 weeks. Sophie, Connor, Ollie and Olivia had made their way inside to explore the 3 floors! Once they had found the bedroom, they were all cheering happily, "Whoo!" "Oh my god!" "This is so nice, innit?".

Olivia's POV
I had only just sat down on our bed, before Ollie started running on all the beds across the room, he almost fell on his face at the end, which made Sophie, Connor and I all laugh at him. Once we had settled down, we started chatting on the bed. Ollie was sat on his side, by the pillows, whilst I was laying down at the end of the bed. "You have really cool eyes," he said, making me giggle nervously, putting my head into my hands. "You have gorgeous eyes," he had repeated. "Thank you," "I feel like I'm dreaming in them right now," "Oh, please. Do the chat-up lines usually work for you," I asked him. "No, no, I'm just saying, I'm pointing out your eyes,".

Olivia: He's not my usual type, he's seems a bit of a posh boy, blonde, very tall. Right now my head is kind of friendzoning him.

"So, how old are you." I ask. "How old do you think I am." He asks. "Oh I don't know, I always get stuff like this wrong!" I say laughing. "Ermmm, maybe 24?" I say hesitantly. "I'm actually 23," he admits. "Oh my god, I was one off, one off!" He laughs at me.

"How old do you think I am? Don't be horrible," hitting the same question back to him. "You look young, I'm gonna say... twenty?" He guesses. "No way, how did you get that," I gasped shocked, that he actually guessed right, everyone that I meet say I act maturely and would guess 23 or 24.

"So what do you do for a living? He asks, getting comfier on the bed, not looking away from my eyes. "I'm actually in university right now, studying Fashion Design, but I also have a part time job at this wedding dress shop that my teacher's daughter owns, so I try and help out whenever I can," I answer, taking a sip of water, from our personalised bottles that the production team gave each islander. "Ah, so you're into clothes and that," "Yeah. What do you do for work?" "I'm actually a farmer," "A farmer? Really? I like that,"

Ollie: Yeah, I'm really enjoying chatting with Olivia and getting to know her. I'm sharing a bed with her tonight, and I couldn't be more happier really. I want to see what kind of level we're on and just get to know each other better.

Once we had checked out the bedroom, we made our way around the corner to find a fold-out-bed. "What is it?" Connor had asked. "Oh it's the dog house!" Sophie exclaimed. "Right, so this is where you'll be sleeping tonight!" I jokingly point over at Ollie. "Let's just remove this as an option right now and put it back," Ollie says.

Once we looked around inside, the boys gathered on the bean bags to have a chat, whilst the girls went over to the daybeds to have a catch-up. Siânnise started off saying "Do you know what, guys? If I'm completely honest, I don't fancy Nas. He's shorter than me. Like that's an issue for me. I'm happy getting to know him, he is fun to talk to and he is lovely, but I just think at the moment, I'm not feeling it,"

"Ollie's so nice, bless, he's such a nice boy, but he's just not my type," I admitted to the girls. "Well, my man sells coffee beans, he's so cute. I like his tattoos, his vibe, he's obviously got the veneers in hasn't he?" Sophie says laughing.

"What about Mike?" Shaughna asked. "Yeah, he's nice," we all laughed at Leanne's blunt answer. "The thing is I'm not even joking. No he's nice, I mean he's not the plumber, but he is a policeman," "You go girl!" Siannis cheered for her. "Even though he's a policeman, he's very beautiful in the face,".

"How's you man, Shaughna?". "My heads gone. He's just so lovely to talk to. I actually really do fancy him. When he walked down the stairs I said to Sophie, like oh my god he's hot! He might get a little arm rub tonight, if he's lucky."

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