It was finally lunch break most favorite hour of the day though for me it would be the last hour of the class. I can't wait to get away from this department. The department was well spaced but after spending two year it'd be nothing except same brick walls.

I raised my eyes hearing muffled commotion in front, the students were huddled chuckling playfully bantering themselves. I couldn't bother to know the specifics of it.

Ayesha came rushing to me with her usual giddiness, seriously this girl's smile is contagious. Her smile simply radiant her features, it is extremely rare not to see her smile. I silently wished god to maintain her happiness forever.

"Guess what." She exclaims. I didn't bother asking her, she'd say it anyways.

"Distribution of tasks for the upcoming fresher's party are being randomly picked up from chits and I can't wait for the party."

The news made me slump deeper into chair almost losing my balance. This was about us seniors giving fresher's party to juniors which should have been actually arranged in one year back. If not for the misunderstanding between them. And what annoying argument was that! 

The same filmy shitty thing that one girl from junior section was claimed between two senior boys from our class. The said girl was completely unaware of it.

Seriously what is this with boys or girls claiming someone behind their backs without directly approaching them?

Much to Aman and Josh embarrassment the girl priyanka outwardly declined both of them, it was hilarious as both idiots dramatically asked in front of entire batch. Our class boys according to me are most annoyingly flirtatious in entire department so it was entertaining to pour cold water on their ego. At least they had the decency not to approach her again.

Ayesha waved her hands bringing me back from my thoughts. I gave her a smile standing from my seat we both started walking to the front desk.

"I'm going to much needed freshen up, you can pick up the chit. I trust you." I patted her arm with a reassurance smile.

"Fineee" she drawled her response.

I'm least interested in these campus parties let alone feel excited to organize them. We were only giving the party so they could return the favor by throwing farewell party for us. I internally dreaded to the thought of attending two parties in the short period of time. This last semester of the third year seemed to be testing my nerves already and it was only beginning.

The washrooms were the first part I and Ayesha had run to check them because maybe it was girly thing but it was impossible to survive three years if bathrooms were not comfortable. Though surprising not only washrooms but everything in this department was way better than one could ask for. 

I was splashing cool water on my sweaty face in basin section when the door was opened. From the mirror I saw Ayesha looking anywhere but me.

I raised a brow as she started giggling herself. Now this weird behavior especially her reasonless giggles only screamed trouble. Snatching tissues from the roll beside the mirrors I tapped my face waiting for her spill out the news. I'm sure I wouldn't like it.

She gave me her big toothy grin as if to lessen my expected response. "Everything is fine, she starts showing me a pink chit, "so we are assigned with decoration duty what I exactly wanted it to be."


I fully turn folding my arms, narrowing my eyes asking her to continue.

She took a long breath spilling out the remaining words "we have to coordinate with kavya and Jo. I was so excited with the news so without thinking I called kavya and she asked us to meet them in their department canteen for further discussions. And today we are going to meet them after classes."

"You did what..." I nearly screamed.

She exhaled loudly rushing to shush me, ignoring her I started pacing in anxiousness. She started rambling reasons as it is better to get started earlier, they were event presidents of the campus. I zoned her out as my mind kept repeating entirely different reasons.

Meeting 'B5' meant reliving those embarrassing moments from that year. Maybe they would have forgotten, anyhow I was not some important personality or they would make of me as I had run away from the situation or worse what if he was to be there. I cannot face him.

Abruptly I stopped feeling knots in my stomach at the thought itself.

I slightly jumped when Ayesha placed her hand on my shoulder, she gave me knowing look understanding exactly my nervousness.

"He might not even be there, mer..."

I glanced at her trying to accept her words. She might be right but what if she is wrong.

"What if I meet him, again?"  

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