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Title: Moriatea

Author: AkoSiIbara

Genre: Mystery, Thriller

Language: Filipino/Taglish

Chapter: 16

Status Completed(Published)

My Review:

Okay first of all *chef kiss* this book is one hundred and one percent perfect! (For me! I don't know how about you, okay?) I love how detailed it is.

First with our staring character named Maviel who got to meet Moriatea, I mean Sigmund. Then she met the other two who works at that cafe or tea shop? ಠ,_」ಠ.

Then Sigmund here wanna make Maviel our dear gal to be his apprentice. Then that and this happened and she worked as a part timer at the cafe/tea. Then we got to meet Nikolai the boy who can catch every girls heart (except Maviel). After that there is Landice who's silent.

Quick notice!
Before I know this book I like delinstloac characters and the artist have a character named "Ginoo" that similar to Landice and that said "Ginoo" is made on year 2016 so please DON'T hate the artist if they have similarities it was just a total coincidental.

Let's get back to the story. Then after that they solve a mystery (duh of course what would be the sense of the story if not, then?) It turns out that this "W" guy who want to revenge to them used to be Sigmund's apprentice. Then it got reveal that said person was in love with him (I assumed) but he doesn't see her like that. So yeah she died, nope, hold on I guess she got imprisoned for killing a person?( I forgotten okay!?).

Then boom nice ending a very cliff hanger one!

Overall it was amazing and exciting that's why the book two is to die for! At first I doubted this but when someone recommend it, it was insanely great. So yeah 10/10 for me.

I want to thank the Author of this book if any chance you will read this, thank you for not giving it a romance thingy to the characters because for me it's a nay nay. Just let them all stay friends.

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