It felt so magical. At one glance, it made Allen feel as if the whole world around him are so bright and full of colors, which could drive away the dryness and dullness of what a person feels.

However, Allen also finds this place strange at the same time. Right now, it's still daytime. So how come it looked like it's nighttime in here?

Allen wondered even more. He looked back at the place where he entered, and he sees that it is still daytime indeed. This made his eyebrows furrow in suspicion. The first thing he could assume is that, this must have been done with the work of magic. But wait, aren't they in a realm of non-mages? So far, only magical places like this exist in the Mage Realm.

"So this is where you're hiding."

A voice suddenly interrupted Allen from behind.

Allen jumped in surprise and he looked at the person who's present at this moment.

"Az!? What the--- You little dimwit! Can't you at least approach someone without surprising them!?" he snapped.

Az chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back if his head with an apologetic expression. "My apologies. I was just worried you got kidnapped by Will or something." he says.

Allen shivered at the mention of that bastard's name. "Whatever, what's this place anyway? It seems to be... magical.

Az looked at the place in awe. "Hmmm. I've never seen or heard such place in this realm... I wonder if this is some sort of... hidden spot that none of us knew..?" he says, putting a hand on his chin.

"...or what if this is the hidden place of an enemy?" Allen added, putting out his pointy finger through the air.

Because of that assumption, Az and Allen both froze. The temperature around them dropped a million degrees, thinking about it.

"H-Hey! Don't say that...! I mean, there's no way..., r-right!?" Az stuttered nervously.

Allen just stood there in silence. However, deep inside, he's having a moment of extreme anxiousness.

The pure silence around them is deafening, which makes them feel much worse than before.

"What's up, suckers?"

A voice suddenly breaks in, causing the two to freak out.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Az screamed. While Allen gave out a silent screech.

"Jeez, you guys get scared so easily." the voice sighed. The two boys could imagine him shaking his head.

"Who the fuck are you!? And what do you want from us?" Allen demanded, pointing his finger at the person, as if it's gonna be useful as a weapon.

The individual stepped out from the shadows, revealing a streak of sky blue hair and crystal blue eyes. "Seriously, gremlin? After ditching me for a few minutes, you already forgot my voice that easily?" he said.

"Ryan!?" Az and Allen both exclaimed in unison.

Ryan frowned, crossing both of his arms. "So, if you don't mind me asking... What are we still roaming around here for? We already took a glance at the barrier. Lunchtime will be over soon, so we need to go back now." he told them.

"Haha...yeah, sorry. We got distracted." Az apologized, scratching the back of his head.

Ryan's expression suddenly turned into a bright one, when he noticed their surroundings. "Whoa. I never heard of a strange place like this..." he commented.

Az grinned. "I know right?" he said, putting a hand on the back of his head. Then a moment later, he took a glance on something. "And look, check out these strange flowers." he lowers his hands, trying to get ahold of those flowers.

The Peculiar Case Of A Novel's Villain (Paused)Where stories live. Discover now