Chapter 4 - Shocking Discovery

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Allen breathed heavily. As soon as the quiz ends, he immediately sprinted out of the classroom. When he was about to head somewhere, a certain guy stands on his way. Since Allen was too spaced out, he bumped into him.

"Wha—" Allen gave out an annoyed sound. He looks up to see the person in front of him, his face suddenly turned into a frown. "Larence." he sneered as he mentions the guy's name. For some reason, this situation seems familiar...

As usual, Larence's face remains stoic as always. He gave Allen a threatening look.

"I'll give you one last chance." he says coldly, emitting a dark aura. "Stop your disgusting actions. If you dare to ignore this last warning—"

"You will expose me to Bella and put me into jail?" Allen guessed.

"I will expose you to Bella and put you into jail."

After saying their words in unison, both of them flinched. Between the two of them, Allen's the one who's more shocked. He could've sworn that he had read something like this before. For the second time, he was able to accurately guess a person's thoughts—on top of that, those were the same lines that he read in the story. This is insane, totally insane. Was that unknown object really able to predict the future!?

Allen just stood there, clearly surprised.

After a long pause, Larence quickly wipes off his stunned expression. "Yes." he says, being stoic again. "Good. It seems you understand the consequences. I guess you're not a moron after all."

After Allen heard the last sentence, he felt something hit his nerve. Out of irritation, he pushed past Larence. Right now, he's not in the mood for this. He needs to prioritize that thing he had found, it's been bothering him since yesterday.

As Allen walks away from Larence, he doesn't need a backward glance to know that the brunet was glaring—he could already feel it through his back.

Allen left Larence behind. He goes to a place where it was isolated, making sure no one's around to see him. He turns on the unknown object and reads the story.

Allen wasn't wrong at all, things that were written here, it's going exactly the same like what happened earlier. This thing could predict the future and show one's past. But the only question is, why does the story focus on Larence, Einz, and Bella?

Before Allen could read further, he decided to go to the beginning chapter. For some reason, he wondered why he was able to learn using this thing quickly. Usually, he's a slow learner—was he wrong all along?

Shoving those thoughts away, he reads the first page. His eyes shook when he read the character list. He discovered that Larence, Einz, and Ryan (suprisingly) are the male leads of the story. And Bella is the heroine. Somehow, things started to make sense. Now he knows why the story was focused on these three. On top of that, he was shocked when he found out that Larence is the protagonist. But Ryan being one of the male leads is more surprising.

Allen starts breathing heavily. Disbelief could be seen in his eyes. "What the hell... Is this some sort of divine object?..." he almost said in a faint voice. "So,...this isn't a prank pulled by someone?"

A lot of questions filled his mind. If this isn't a prank, is this thing a magical object? Like an otherwordly object that fell from another dimension!? Is he living in a novel? Is his world a novel? Or is this thing a heavenly object from God and he just witnessed a miracle?

Allen's head starts to ache. It seem he had discovered something unusual, something overwhelming to take in. Dear heavens, someone pray for this boy. Him having such IQ, he can't bear with too much thinking.

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