Chapter 15 - Azruelle Macklin

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Allen quietly stood there in shock. His eyes are now wide as saucers.

"Damn." he spoke. That's the only word he could say. "It's just... That's so weird af."

"I know right?" Az nodded in disbelief. Then later on, he snorted because of the realization that hit him. "Wait a minute. Dude, did you just use the abbreviation 'af'? Cuz damn, you're starting to get influenced by that phone."

Alicia stared at them. "Seriously, Az?" she groaned. "A person was just killed by one of the demon's allies and that's not supposed to happen. Not only that, this is Azruelle Macklin. He's one of the supporting characters! Now who's gonna help Rachel discover her true identity? Her hidden powers? Who's gonna play the role as the future friend of Rachel!?" she exclaimed.

Allen became nervous. Azruelle Macklin, he remembers that name. He's one of the friends of Rachel. He's the one who helped Rachel awaken her powers that's why Larence survived when he was almost killed by enemies back in chapter thirty-four. Azruelle Macklin doesn't really have much exposure in the novel, but he's still important in the story.

"This is bad. Really bad." Allen stressed out.

"Okay, okay! I know how much stressful this is, but aren't you guys wondering how much this guy looks like me? Everything in our appearance is very similar. Well, uh, except for the hair. Mine is dark brown and his hair is mocha colored." Az exclaimed, obviously freaked out as he gestures towards the corpse.

Allen agreed with him as well. It makes him wonder why Azruelle looks so much like Az. If they both lived in the same world, they could've been twins. But they aren't, so it doesn't make sense. Unless if it's just a coincidence that they really just look similar.

"Well, don't you watch dramas and stuff? I mean, it could be similar with those cases where two people look like each other but they aren't actually blood related." Alicia told Az with a shrug.

Az paused for a while and muttered. "Well, I guess that's possible."

"Okay, guys. We must not panic. We need to deal with this situation calmly." Allen said. He stared with sympathy at the lifeless body of Azruelle Macklin. Knowing this boy's family, they wouldn't actually care or mourn his death.

Allen knows the history of the Macklin family. Everyone treats Azruelle as an outcast because he has the blood of a commoner. He was only took in by his dad because he thought Azruelle might be useful. Unfortunately, he was just seen as a burden.

Allen grabs a large piece of cloth nearby and uses it to cover Azruelle's lifeless body. "Rest in peace." he says in a very low voice, it was very low that his two companions couldn't even hear it. After Allen read the novel, he was aware of the tortures that Azruelle went through, this boy did everything he could to survive. He dies in the novel, but not this early.

Az stood there in guilt. He couldn't help but blame himself. Because of his mistake, these things happened and Will is now out there on the loose.

It made him remember the day when he wasn't able to save his family who died in front of his eyes.

Until now, he's still shit. He couldn't even do things right.

As he finally snaps back to the present, he looks at Allen and Alicia who were calling his name.

"What?" Az asked.

"Are you okay? You've been spacing out a lot." Alicia asked in concern.

"Yeah, is there something in your mind?" Allen asked, arching his brow curiously.

"It's nothing. I'm fine." Az shook his head and smiled.

The three of them stared at the body. They hope things won't become worse in the future.

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