Seraphina gone poof (chapter 3)

Começar do início

"Sure then, let's meet up at woaba boba after school, it will be my treat!" Said John, happy that he had a new friend to talk to.

"hm, okay." Said Arlo.

"..Oh I have a history soon- I'm sorry but I have to go!" Said John as he hurries to his class.

As Arlo watches his "friend" panic to get to class he smiled at the thought of his plan coming along.




"F#ck F#ck F#ck... im late again!" thought john as he runs down the stairs.

Johns runs down to the second floor and starts running to class, Johns slams the door open.

"John, you came right on time." Said his history teacher.

"phew.. im not late" Thought John.

John walks to his seat and sits down, he looks out the window admiring the school (for some odd reason), by the time he stops admiring and starts to pay attention class already has ended and he had to learn by himself if he didn't want to fail his next test (what idiot lol). John sighed, well it was his last class so he went downstairs to the first floor and head out.

"Hello, Arlo!" Said John happily.

"Hi John." Said Arlo.

"Well woaba boba is down the streets, wanna go.. like now?" Said John thinking if Arlo needed to do something before they go.

"mhm" Said Arlo.

"Great!" Said John

As they arrive..

"Hello, Welcome to Woaba Boba, what can we get you?" Said the Waitress

"You should get the mango boba, it's super good!" Said John.

"nah, ill get the coffee." Said Arlo.

"no he will get the mango boba, im paying." Said John.

"No its alright, ill pay for my own drink, coffee." Said Arlo.

"Fine. Ill get the mango boba please, and arlo you have to take a sip of it okay?" Said John.

"Fine.." Said Arlo.

"Alright, ill get that for you." Said the waitress after watching a small fight occur.

After the drinks arrive.

"Here, take a sip! I Hadn't taken a sip yet, so go try it!" Said John.

Arlo takes a sip, he thinks its actually pretty good but like he would tell John that.

"Eh.. Its alright, but the coffee they had is better." Said Arlo.

"wow just 'alright'?" Said John in a petty tone as he drinks the mango boba.

After Arlo and John talk for a while the check comes in.

"here, let me pay!" As he slips his card in.

"mm." Said Arlo still drinking his coffee.

"lets exchange contacts!" Said John.

Arlo nearly spits out his coffee, he didn't want to give a "cripple" his number even if he was a fake cripple, but a part of his plan is to gain his trust so he hesitantly gives his phone number

"its.." Said Arlo.

"Alright! Now we chat online!" Said John.

Arlo sighed.

"Anyways, got to go, text you later!" Said John.

"Alright." Said Arlo.

John smiled before hurrying out the door.




"B#TCH, IM BACK" Said John.

"John.. you broke the door.." Said Adrion.

"Your paying." Said John.

"Wha- NO ITS YOUR DORM!" Said Adrion.

"you live in MY dorm rent-free, at least pay for my door." Said John.

"... touche." Said Adrion as he opens up amazingzon.

"I talk with Arlo by the way!" Said John.

"Arlo? Claire told me he's shady for some reason, I don't think you should trust him, he doesn't seem the type of person to talk to a COUGH fake COUGH cripple." Said Adrion.

"What if he just wants to be friends :D" Said John.

"𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒉 you're just clueless." Said Adrion.

"Shut up, I am not clueless for wanting more friends! >:0" Said John

"No you shut up before Claire shows up!" Said Adrion.

".. Fair point, ill be quiet now." Said John.

"Now move, let me lay down" Said John as he comes near his bed really to plop down.

A/N: Im going to end it here for today! Also, have you notice I update daily ;) lol, well have a nice day... or night ... or afternoon, also sorry if my chapters are sh#tty, I'm fairly new at writing (the only thing before this it was a chatfic and I don't count that) so please be patient with me, goodbye!

Word count: 1137

Unordinary civilOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora