Seraphina gone poof (chapter 3)

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"well, we will take you into questioning Seraphina," said Headmaster Vaughn.

"Alright." As Seraphina entered a different room.

There Seraphina meets Keon and his assistant Nadia.


After the interrogation.

Private messages between Seraphina and John.

Sera: ayo, I got expelled for a month lol.

Johnny: Why are you so calm about this?!

Sera: I know since i'm powerful they can't kick me out of the school :P plus I successfully lied to them that you weren't part of it.

Johnny: well where are you going to stay?? I don't live in a separate house anymore.

Sera: Probably my parents, they will be mad tho.

Johnny: well I guess best of luck...

John regretted giving Seraphina unordinary, he lost his only copy but he also can't see Seraphina in school anymore or even out of school due to where her parents lived.

(yes that means Seraphina didn't lose her powers.)

"Hey what's wrong John?" Said Adrion.

"agH!" Said John.

"what are you doing in my dorm, don't you have one as well??" Said John slightly pissed.

"Yeah but yours is better." Said Adrion.


"Well anyways what's wrong?" Said Adrion ignoring what John said before.

"ugh.. Seraphina got expelled." Said John.

"Oh, well me and Claire are still here, no worries!" Said Adrion.

"Yeah but Sera is better." Said John.

"ouch! Rude of you to say that, when I am better than you." Said Adrion.

"Oh you little--" Said John as he starts to fight Adrion.

Claire busts through the door.

"I got a vision of you guys fighting, ISTG-" Said Claire.

"Sorry ma'am." Said John and Adrion.

"Oh f#ck.. I have class soon, I got to go." Said John.

"Aight, since I have free period ill be in your room," Said Adrion

John ignores that and gets his stuff, like papers, pencils, and all the stuff you would need, he gets out his door and walks into the hallways.

"Ouch--.. sorry!" Said John as he bumps into someone.

"its fine.." As they bent down to pick up the papers.

That, someone, was Arlo.

"Hey. Lets talk later alright at the rooftop?" Said Arlo.

John now realizing who it was said sure.


"Hey, you wanted to meet?" Said John.

"Yeah, lets be friends." Said Arlo right off the bat.

"woah- what? Why?" As John was getting suspicious. 

"Well you manage to friend our ace, I'm curious about how you can do it." Said Arlo.

"Oh, so that's why.." Muttered John.

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