三十二 The Ambush

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Without even turning around, I know who that voice belongs to. With the smallest of hesitation, I whirl around to face the one we've been trying to find all this time, but my hesitancy is unfortunately too delayed.

Catching me by surprise, Johanna tackles me to the ground. My head makes contact with the floor and causes an ache to begin. Soon, I feel the cold trickle of blood on my forehead. Another sting appears at my neck, caused by the blade she has pressed to my neck with dangerous proximity.

"Get up," she hisses into my ear, and I comply. She has one arm wrapped firmly around my front, and the other gripping the sword that prevents me from my escape.

"Johanna," I breathe anxiously, trying to calm my rapidly beating heart.

Levi steps towards us threateningly. "Let her go."

"Ah, ah, ah," she warns, pressing the blade further into my skin. More blood leaks, and Levi stops in his tracks. "Not one more step, or she's dead."

They all glance at one another uneasily, not moving any muscles. However, Levi keeps his eyes trained on me. "What do you want?'

"Drop your weapons," she orders nonchalantly. "Get on your knees and wait for our men to come and tie you all up."

Levi's nostrils flare with impatience and annoyance, so I try to come up with something that will convince them to get out of here as fast as possible. "It's fine, leave while you still can. You said it yourself, Levi. There's a small chance you'll make it out of here, and an even smaller one if you try to help me. Just go."

"Kaira, now is not the time for this," he clenches his teeth.

"No, it's not! Go!"

Johanna seems to have had enough of my persuasion. She moves the blade to my face, effectively swiping a scratch along my cheek. I wince at the contact, but am not able to move when it's back in front of my neck. "Shut up, Kaira."

In a few seconds flat, the cramped hallways are bombarded by people wearing black uniforms, surrounding my friends who now have nowhere to go.

"I don't see why you're in such a rush to get out of here, anyways," Johanna starts, a low chuckle vibrating in her throat. "The commander you're so desperate to save is already dead."

My racing heart stops completely. What?

Levi's hostile eyes glow with some kind of emotion I don't recognize. "You little—"

"Don't worry, I'm not making it up. My father has spies in Sina who have reported back to him. Erwin's execution got pushed up. I suppose they had a bit more time on their hands, and decided to fill it with some entertainment."

"The commander?" Jean breathes out shakily.

Suddenly, fear consumes me. We depend on Commander Erwin. He makes the hard decisions, orchestrates our missions, and risks everything for the sake of the Survey Corps. He died trying to protect what he cared about most. If we don't have the passionate and courageous soldier to lead us into battle, how can we ever hope to find our way out?

"The mistake you made in your little hurry to find us was your poorly covered tracks," Johanna continues, further fueling my fury. "It was unexpectedly easy to find your hideaway."

At this point, I decide I've had enough of letting her say whatever she wants. "You're not any better. I remember the day we met you decided to drop the location of your organization without any hesitation."

I feel Johanna tense behind me. So it wasn't just a guess, I was correct. It doesn't seem to matter now, anyways. "Oh, so you remember that. You know, Kaira, you were probably the one person in that wretched place that I could tolerate to be around. That is, until you went and killed my mother. I wouldn't have minded as much if it was my pathetic excuse for a father, but the parent that I do like . . . it's changed my mind about you. I don't like you anymore."

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