二十一 Fallen Comrades

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"Our men have your men surrounded at the perimeter. You're stuck, Commander."

Almost immediately after the mysterious man opens his mouth, Mikasa moves to stand protectively in front of Armin. I set down the folder in my hands so that it is out of sight.

"Who are you?" Commander Erwin scrutinizes, instinctively grabbing the blades at his sides.

The man laughs. "It's ironic, really. I know everything there is to know about you. Your family, your childhood, your private endeavors, as well as anything else that might be necessary information about your precious Survey Corps. Despite all that, you haven't the faintest clue who I am. It does make me a little sad, to be frank."

Captain Levi steps away from the woman he was interrogating, an aggressive air surrounding him like an unquenchable flame. "How would you know to surround our scouts?"

He shrugs. "I have my ways."

"So, you knew we were coming? This was a setup. Tch."

"Has been for over a decade."

Hearing that, I realize that I was right. This organization has been plotting for that many years, and maybe even more. Although, what could be so important of a cause to work that much for it?

Commander Erwin finally parts his lips to speak. "I assume you are the one responsible for the lies going around about the Survey Corps."

"Who says they're lies?" The man frowns. "It's just the truth being brought to the attention of the people. And, I'm not the only hero. My comrades—"

"How could you call yourself a hero!?" Charlotte's screeching voice takes over the room from where she's bent over her sister's lifeless head in shock. "You've ruthlessly killed my sister. . . and for what reason?! I'll kill you for this!"

"Your pig sister deserved what she got," the man spits, true disgust apparent in his emerald eyes.

Jonas suddenly has to hold Charlotte back by her shoulders as soon as she lurches to make a move against the cause of these problems. She tries and fails to rip herself out of his grip, showing a self that is a stark contrast to her usual demeanor. Rightfully so, considering her twin was just murdered before her eyes. I know better than anyone else what that can feel like.

Suddenly, a commotion coming from outside grabs our attention. A group of people come into the warehouse, none of them familiar, except for the one being held tightly by the edges of his brown hair.

I can hear Mikasa's audible gasp as soon as she lays her eyes on Eren's beaten form being pushed around by the men surrounding him.

"You brought him," the original man states with a smile. "Perfect. If you want this little fellow to live a life longer than that dead sister of yours, then I suggest you hand Cynthia over."

I glance back at the woman we're holding as our own hostage, noticing that Levi has backed up a little more to keep an eye on her. She stares hopefully at the one she believes to be her savior, and who is our devil.

It's a smart move, choosing Eren to be their hostage. While Erwin might risk the lives of some of the scouts for this cause, we need Eren's titan powers. They must've cornered Eren while he was in his position. But how could they have known where he would be? Better yet, who could have told them?

"Only if you answer some of our questions," Levi finally demands contemptuously.

"Enough with the questions," Cynthia mumbles under her breath.

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