十七 Survival is Key

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Levi POV

She's getting a bit better. Just a bit.

During my sparring session with Kaira, I noticed that she's improved drastically since the first time we fought in hand to hand combat. That was the day I realized that she needed a little nudge in the right direction.

It's an irritating feat that I've decided to take on, but one that I feel will help Kaira progress both physically and mentally.

She's always been smart. Since we were kids, it was very apparent. A stark contrast from Atlas' spirit.

However, that brain power is being held captive, and a good portion of her ideas are kept hidden in a cage. A cage that is constructed by both her insecurities, as well as her weak physical strength. Which, is what I'm here for.

I don't know why I've decided to help her. I don't necessarily like the girl, but I don't hate her. I like to call it a healthy case of indifference.

But, seeing her in the state that she's in triggers something in me. Something in me that is drawn to her side, and strung along in times of need.

Since she is someone that I was with for a long time as a teenager, I suppose that the need I feel to protect her is one developed from obligation over time. It's the only explanation.

Unless my insomnia is just driving me insane.

As much as it may seem like I'm interfering in her life and taking control of what I have no right to, I truly don't want to get in the way of Kaira being able to help herself on her own. There's no point to it if I do it for her. If I am the one to mold her into the best version of herself that is buried deep within.

My plan is to nudge her in the right direction. I've been blunt. I've dropped many hints as to what she needs to do to grow independently. I believe that she is smart enough to figure it out for herself, and act on that revelation. Hopefully.

I've been observing her long enough to realize that this independent self that she needs to embrace is one that was held back majorly because of those she surrounded herself with.

Based on what she told me about her family, it's clear that Kaira's brother Felix and her father were the ones most like her. Other than that, she seems to have been overpowered by the women in her family. From what I've heard, her twin was quite similar to Atlas. That's got to be a tough womb to share.

I also believe that after everything that happened with Albrecht, she might blame herself for the loss of her family. It's not her fault, obviously. A bunch of unconfirmed lunatics charged into her home and killed all except Kaira, who was saved by Atlas just in time. Albrecht lived as well, who happened to be out during the shooting. I dealt with him later on.

Following that trauma, Kaira was forced into the Underground, a cruel place to live out one's life. I would know.

Additionally, she stuck by Atlas' side, who was a constant reminder of the twin sister that she couldn't live up to.

Me, being her only other companion down there for a few years, was not much of a help. My main focus was survival, so I didn't care about how her childhood may have affected her.

I've learned though, that survival is not the only thing necessary to the vile and precious thing we call life. Many things go into it, too many valuable things to count.

I'm no professional at this, obviously, but I'm working on it. And, I want to help Kaira work on it, too. Working that knot out for Atlas' sake might be some kind of motivation for her, as well.

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